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A patch......On the day at elast one major shard is ending the event?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On Great Lakes, the climax of the event will take place in 33 minutes.

And there's a patch.

Maybe most shards aren't doing it tonight? Maybe it's just us?

*shrugs, sighs*

Let's hope it's smaller than the patch notes make it seem like it'll be.....

-Galen's player

EDIT: A damn typo in my subject line....*sighs* Does wonders for my credibility....Whining posts, like I freely admit this post is, depend on poster credibility, because poster credibility is all they have. Oh well.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
**** yeah great timing, events on Labor Day weekend. <_<


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
**** yeah great timing, events on Labor Day weekend. <_<
The timing of the event is regrettable but understandable. They basically had to end Warriors of Destiny this weekend or there'd be a neat little event train wreck when SA came out.

The timing of the patch however was 100% within their control...By Monday, as far as I can tell, all of the shards will be done with the event, won't they?

Or am I wrong?

-Galen's player


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or they could have just delayed the expansion a week or so. We've waited like 4 damn years already <_<

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Awww... give the 2ders a break and revert everything back to placeholders :p

(It's a joke!)


Founder, Citadel Studios
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Stratics Legend
First I need to say that I don't condone what I'm about to say.

You can still log in without downloading this patch. If you navigate to the installed directory and run client.exe to start the game, you can delay downloading the patch to when it is convenient for you.

And I apologize for the bad timing, however we wanted to give people as much time as possible to pre-patch so they don't spend launch day downloading the launch patch instead of exploring the new lands.


The patch could have easily been done on tuesday on launch figure its a school day and less people on and what not, so its not delaying it, besides do you even use the classic client.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or they could have just delayed the expansion a week or so. We've waited like 4 damn years already <_<
I believe there to be a 100% chance that there would be major flipping out if they delayed the expansion by so much as an hour.

Patch completed....let's hope the patch doesn't delay anyone who logged on any later than this!

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First I need to say that I don't condone what I'm about to say.

You can still log in without downloading this patch. If you navigate to the installed directory and run client.exe to start the game, you can delay downloading the patch to when it is convenient for you.

Sounds a might risky though....

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Shouldn't be risky at all.

The patch simply added a huge new file (in Enhanced client format) which probably contains the animations for the gargoyles and new monsters.
The 2D client isn't probably even going to read that file until after the release of the expansion :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And here I was hoping the file getting added would change over the fire gargoyle sprite like I mentioned before... kinda disappointed by that not happening. :(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And here I was hoping the file getting added would change over the fire gargoyle sprite like I mentioned before... kinda disappointed by that not happening. :(

Well, maybe the updated fire gargoyle sprites are in the new AnimationFrame1.uop file, and we just need to wait for the expansion publish for their activation.


So I take the gate at the event and bam crashed and now I get to dl the patch and hope I am not dead on the other side of the gate!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I could have avoided this huge patch if I would have known there was going to be such a large one coming threw but I did not:cursing: Yes there was to be a event on Legends tonight last I heard but as of late this afternoon nobody knew what time but that does not shock me either. Okay this patch is for the new lands "SA" to come out next tuesday? Another thing I will be missing for a while since where I live our town took a huge hit in the jobs market and most everyone I know got layed off and not a temp layoff but a forever layoff.So the hubby and I only have UO as our only entertainment it was the cheapest choice between going to the movies, watching cable TV ect.....But coughing up 60.00 to get SA is not going to happen. I really think 30.00 is way to much to pay for SA. Maybe 10.00 or even 15.00 but 30.00 :confused: Oh well I am babbling here while this patch is still going threw. Not a happy camper here :wall: Patch is done only to log on and find a Lantern in luna saying the shadowlord event is not till Nov 6th this better be a typo. I am far behond being a bit mad!!!!!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First I need to say that I don't condone what I'm about to say.

You can still log in without downloading this patch. If you navigate to the installed directory and run client.exe to start the game, you can delay downloading the patch to when it is convenient for you.

And I apologize for the bad timing, however we wanted to give people as much time as possible to pre-patch so they don't spend launch day downloading the launch patch instead of exploring the new lands.
I thought this was common knowledge/best practice for running UO.

The first thing I did when installing is create shortcuts/menu items to client.exe and NEVER run UO.exe. Always run client.exe.

I never take patches until it will no longer let me log in with the current version and then I run uopatch.exe and go on my merry way.



First I need to say that I don't condone what I'm about to say.

You can still log in without downloading this patch. If you navigate to the installed directory and run client.exe to start the game, you can delay downloading the patch to when it is convenient for you.

And I apologize for the bad timing, however we wanted to give people as much time as possible to pre-patch so they don't spend launch day downloading the launch patch instead of exploring the new lands.
Hello Supreem ,

I checked Stratics last night and knew I had to be online at 7pm CST to take part in the event. So to my surprise what do I find? A 330MB patch. Not everyone checks here 24/7. This is such a major anti-climatic end to a very well written and long storyline. Just plain pathetic.


I just ended up hitting cancel on the download to get back in. Two crashes and two deaths awaiting me lol.


I hit cancel as well participated in the event got 2 robes and 1 orny and 1 aof.

After the event i closed uo and ive been patching now for over hour and a half. Is this a god damn joke? I ping 30-45 to my closest shard its not my computer this is ****ing stupid. I mean I guess I'm lucky college football started today and I'm watching the games while this pathetic patch downloads.

I do find it extremely pathetic that you have a patch during an event like this. To come here and say what to do is even a bigger joke. Unless something has changed these arent official boards, not everyone reads these and people have been banned from here as well. Nowhere on the uo site does it say to hit cancel so like i said congrats on a poorly planned event(labor day weekend are u ****ing serious) and a even worse time for a patch.