Habitants of Sosaria !
As you may have notice, me, Alaster The Mad, been away since few days. In fact, in was in the Kingdom of AyHerh'el to try to trade some goods for the benefits of our beloved Kingdom.
I came back during the night, to find out some of my fellows citizens keeping me updated on recent events.
Starvation, riots, uprising ! Seems all the worst things we could fear are all adding themselves right now. And it is my duty to do my best to stop all this.
First, let me be clear on something : there's been questions of Kingdom vs Republic, other questions of independance, i'll cut it quickly : we all live on the same piece of rock (well, at least, it's not blackrock), Sosaria.
I'll make no difference in who will be helped or not : all sosarians deserve a good meal everyday, and to be happy enough to not riot. And not burn things. Mostly my pants.
I began to build teams of brave warriors for finding what is causing all that trouble. I heard brigands are bothering our brave peasants, those who work hard for all of us to eat everyday. Be sure this will be taken care quickly. But while we do so, food supplies are running low, and, i'll not have to be smart to link this to recent riots ! I'm not smart anyway.
I'll take several first steps, which will be followed by others, depending on how situation is turning to.
I'll be organising Mass food collection. I don't ask you to withdraw what is already needed for you, no.
But i know while some people are hungry, others are having huge feasts. This has to be balanced.
This will be organised in two steps : i'll be holding two food collection days, where everyone can bring all his extra food, which after will be redistributed to those in need.
Two ? Yes, one in Trammel, and one in Felucca. Because while i think some people don't want to get robbed of those presents, i also think Felucca community is also willing to help in this big effort to restore peace.
You'll see during the next days announcements of the date of those collections.
Second thing !
When i was running for Lord Protector elections, i told someone something.
You maybe know Anira Cuilwen, the mayor of Vesper.
Well, if you don't know her, just know i call her "Anira Cutewen" or sometimes "Anira Cute Wren" cause yes, she's damn cute !
And most of all, she does awesome cookies.
So i told her, if i'm elected, i'll create the Ministry of Cuteness and Cookies and you'll lead it.
I declare it created today ! Because with riots and hunger roaming our streets, we'll after all need cuteness and cookies, it's evident.
(i want to nominate also Wanda from Wanda's wares to this post but haven't proposed her yet. Damn, her cookies are also awesome !)
Third thing ! This is an open call to every person, whatever kingdom or Republic or anything else you are. You are Sosarian ? You are brave ? You want to keep peace in here ? Join us ! Let yourself be known for the army of "WWBBP" (We Will Bring Back Peace. The name's my idea, awesome isn't it ?)
That's all for now !
Be strong, be united ! If we are divided we are no more stronger than a mongbat !
As you may have notice, me, Alaster The Mad, been away since few days. In fact, in was in the Kingdom of AyHerh'el to try to trade some goods for the benefits of our beloved Kingdom.
I came back during the night, to find out some of my fellows citizens keeping me updated on recent events.
Starvation, riots, uprising ! Seems all the worst things we could fear are all adding themselves right now. And it is my duty to do my best to stop all this.
First, let me be clear on something : there's been questions of Kingdom vs Republic, other questions of independance, i'll cut it quickly : we all live on the same piece of rock (well, at least, it's not blackrock), Sosaria.
I'll make no difference in who will be helped or not : all sosarians deserve a good meal everyday, and to be happy enough to not riot. And not burn things. Mostly my pants.
I began to build teams of brave warriors for finding what is causing all that trouble. I heard brigands are bothering our brave peasants, those who work hard for all of us to eat everyday. Be sure this will be taken care quickly. But while we do so, food supplies are running low, and, i'll not have to be smart to link this to recent riots ! I'm not smart anyway.
I'll take several first steps, which will be followed by others, depending on how situation is turning to.
I'll be organising Mass food collection. I don't ask you to withdraw what is already needed for you, no.
But i know while some people are hungry, others are having huge feasts. This has to be balanced.
This will be organised in two steps : i'll be holding two food collection days, where everyone can bring all his extra food, which after will be redistributed to those in need.
Two ? Yes, one in Trammel, and one in Felucca. Because while i think some people don't want to get robbed of those presents, i also think Felucca community is also willing to help in this big effort to restore peace.
You'll see during the next days announcements of the date of those collections.
Second thing !
When i was running for Lord Protector elections, i told someone something.
You maybe know Anira Cuilwen, the mayor of Vesper.
Well, if you don't know her, just know i call her "Anira Cutewen" or sometimes "Anira Cute Wren" cause yes, she's damn cute !
And most of all, she does awesome cookies.
So i told her, if i'm elected, i'll create the Ministry of Cuteness and Cookies and you'll lead it.
I declare it created today ! Because with riots and hunger roaming our streets, we'll after all need cuteness and cookies, it's evident.
(i want to nominate also Wanda from Wanda's wares to this post but haven't proposed her yet. Damn, her cookies are also awesome !)
Third thing ! This is an open call to every person, whatever kingdom or Republic or anything else you are. You are Sosarian ? You are brave ? You want to keep peace in here ? Join us ! Let yourself be known for the army of "WWBBP" (We Will Bring Back Peace. The name's my idea, awesome isn't it ?)
That's all for now !
Be strong, be united ! If we are divided we are no more stronger than a mongbat !