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A night I'll never forget!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well folks tonight has to be one of the memorable experience I have had in a mmo let me frist start off what had happen.

The battle with virtue bane was just ended and victroy was claimed by the britannians with are emeny defeated we had gathered for a Special reward from EM kasa after words I was standing with the rest of my guild was we talked about the event when a person walks up to me and calls me by name I turned around and greeted the gentleman and after words he inform me that he had something of mine from years back that was lost to me!

Now for a quick flash back now back when the virtue quest where being done I was very happy to know that at the end of the love vut quest the reward was a candle with the person's name on it! (to me that was one of the best items I ever gotten becouse it was so unique!) but after a few weeks I had RL issiues and I had to stop my account to save on some needed money I did not think I would reuturn to uo so I left my home in luna go IDOC and left my items to roit among them was my candle of love.

Now back to the story to my other shock this man and his wife happen apon my home when it did fall years back and picked up my candle and here they were seeing my name wanted to return it!

I could not belive and asked them to name the gold ammount for its retuern! They simple said that It was mine and no gold was need.

I wish to publicly thank this couple for the Love and kindness toward a stranger to in this world of ares and what better way to show the force's of evil that claim that we have lost or forgotten the ways of virtue how wrong they are!

So thank you from the bottom of my heart to Achilles and his wife berry from TNK guild
(( If i have gotten his wife wrong I'm sorry he told but i forgot to write it down but I'm pretty sure this is it))

Please forgive the poor grammer and spelling errors


Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What a great story SinDee. It is always heartwarming to hear of such things happening.

Well done Achilles and Newbury


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Woot! Now I'm famous. Thanks SinDee, for the kind words. The wife's name is Newbury.

Achilles of TNK from Cats