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[Discussion] A new service for trusted brokers


Crazed Zealot
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After the publish comes out where no more duped items can be sold on vendor this will also allow us to check against all of our items. In addition, it can be used by brokers to see if any future items (big ticketed items) are duped before the transaction takes place.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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The current publish 81 on the Test Center doesn't reiterate the duper vendor feature, it only mentions the weapon/armor/combat changes. However if it will have this new feature, you are definitely right. I would like a poll on how many would care if what they buy is duped or not? How much should it effect the price (in percentages)? Also I'd like a poll on what people anticipate the number of dupe rares are out there will be, what percentage of your famous list is all duped. Last who will this benefit most? I believe its the cash only websites since they can sell what vendors can not.


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Dread Lord
The current publish 81 on the Test Center doesn't reiterate the duper vendor feature, it only mentions the weapon/armor/combat changes. However if it will have this new feature, you are definitely right. I would like a poll on how many would care if what they buy is duped or not? How much should it effect the price (in percentages)? Also I'd like a poll on what people anticipate the number of dupe rares are out there will be, what percentage of your famous list is all duped. Last who will this benefit most? I believe its the cash only websites since they can sell what vendors can not.
I for one am not too concerned if an item has been duped in the past -- as long as it's common knowledge that it has been duped. E.g., we all know the two-story talking statue has been massively duped, but I still like the graphic and own one. I factor the fact that there could be hundreds or thousands of statues sitting in a chest somewhere waiting to flood the market at any time. This is always factored in to my purchase/sale of items. What I am concerned about is finding out items potentially have been duped that I otherwise thought were very scarce or unique. E.g. It's a little unsettling seeing two Sphynx statues being sold in the last month. My initial thought is that there were always two and someone didn't report getting one from Mesanna. But It makes me nervous bidding on such a high ticket item, as I risk the chance that it was duped at some point. Also, I should just clarify that this is complete speculation, and by no means am I implicating anyone as duping or knowingly selling a duped item.

So, no I don't care if it's duped and, say, pre-season 9.
Yes, I care if it's duped and a more recent item, indicating that duping is still happening.
Yes, it will impact my buying/selling decisions and negotiations

I just hope that when I start to put items on my vendor, they aren't all dupes. That would make me really depressed.


Stratics Veteran
I am a new collector, but here is my two cents on the matter.

If I want an item badly enough my concern for an items authenticity goes down. For instance, I REALLY want a Crook of the Mystical Moo (shameless plug) and knowing it's an older rarity I don't care if it's real or not due to my tremendous desire to own one. The flip side of the coins is that I will NOT pay an insane amout for it knowing that it has been duped in the past, unlless from a trusted seller who can verify that it would be an original. I guess that comes down to me, and others in the community further educating ourselves as these new changes shed light on what is being highly duped so that the prices on said items can reflect the item's saturation within the community. Please keep in mind my comments come from a far less trained mind than all of yours. My break from Sosaria was a long one, so I missed so much and so many experiences.



Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I am a new collector, but here is my two cents on the matter.

If I want an item badly enough my concern for an items authenticity goes down. For instance, I REALLY want a Crook of the Mystical Moo (shameless plug) and knowing it's an older rarity I don't care if it's real or not due to my tremendous desire to own one. The flip side of the coins is that I will NOT pay an insane amout for it knowing that it has been duped in the past, unlless from a trusted seller who can verify that it would be an original. I guess that comes down to me, and others in the community further educating ourselves as these new changes shed light on what is being highly duped so that the prices on said items can reflect the item's saturation within the community. Please keep in mind my comments come from a far less trained mind than all of yours. My break from Sosaria was a long one, so I missed so much and so many experiences.

you want to know if its original that's simple, when the vendor dupe patch comes in put it on there using a broker and you'll find out your answer.


Stratics Veteran
That works for items already in ones possesion. But what if it's an item that is being sold, then the broker can put it on a vendor to discover its status, and I think that's a great thing! Maybe I am being misunderstood here, I think it's great that this is being implimented. I guess I was responding to Nails comment as far as my train of thought's direction.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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I know 7 people who owns the Spinix right now.
Its so funny how no one believed me when I was spouting on these forums that people were duping, I remember top collectors calling me basically crazy. The sad thing is that what have they done about it?. I almost start to wonder if it is people who actually work for this game are the ones doing it. Lets face it there is allot of real life $$$ involved. I mean why else havent they stopped it like every other mmo out there can do.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Its so funny how no one believed me when I was spouting on these forums that people were duping, I remember top collectors calling me basically crazy. The sad thing is that what have they done about it?. I almost start to wonder if it is people who actually work for this game are the ones doing it. Lets face it there is allot of real life $$$ involved. I mean why else havent they stopped it like every other mmo out there can do.
I know whatcha mean. I too agreed with ya there was duping, but people disagreed with me also. Who was the person who got the Spinx originally and what is the back ground of that person? or who did he sell it to first? Duping is definitely out there.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I don't really see how its going to change much to be honest.

Lets see for a moment, you can buy an "real" slither from a vendor un-duped for around 150-160m lets say.

Then XXX pops into general chat shouting "selling slither 100m" you then ask the seller to pop it on a vendor. They then explain that they can't (its duped) and that's why its on sale for a special price. Does it still appear the same on my paperdoll? Yes! Does it still have the same mods? Yes!

Wow! It's a bargain i'll take it! Got any more?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its so funny how no one believed me when I was spouting on these forums that people were duping, I remember top collectors calling me basically crazy. The sad thing is that what have they done about it?. I almost start to wonder if it is people who actually work for this game are the ones doing it. Lets face it there is allot of real life $$$ involved. I mean why else havent they stopped it like every other mmo out there can do.

The Developers are trying constantly. It is a constant cops and robbers game. They find a way to dupe then they are caught and banned but usually there is lag time in between so a few item gets out. This has continued since the dawn of time. In addition, just because they are caught and that particular method stopped doesn't prevent them coming back with new aliases or new misfits from trying. There are so many potential "bad" things that can go wrong and are stopped before we realize. This is all due to their diligence in the background putting out the fires before they even start. Sometimes a few gets away.
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