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A New Article about UO


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The economy was ruined within a few years. Just getting worse. A thread the current economy on the UO Forum.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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As I told Kyronix you can't put the cat back in the bag once you take it out... when he complained about Power Creep and all that crap... they introduced that when they started AoS with item properties in the first place. Most of us were perfectly happy with the old system... but that cat is out of the bag now.

As for the economy it's been completely borked since the beginning with rampant duping, scripting, and all the other things that have gone on for years and years it isn't ever going to improve. Don't see much of a way to fix it since they refuse to put in any actual gold sinks... Massive amounts of gold need to be removed from the game. The only way to do that would be to sell very cosmetic stuff for mass quantities of in-game gold. Or ..... just delete gold.

Be like other games such as Black Desert where everything sold is governed by an in-game marketplace where you can't trade or sell items to other players except through that market. Removing player control of pricing... But that would destroy UO.


Slightly Crazed
The economy was ruined within a few years. Just getting worse. A thread the current economy on the UO Forum.
Economy works same as in real life. If something is easy to get ,its price will decrease.
Latest thread about UO economy on offforum is mostly about making limited events reward cheap for those who don't want to pay sub's during event and don't want to farm any other useful stuff to trade. And to make balron armor cost 1 soul stone instead of 14.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When many players have scores of plats that never picked up any gold. Something is off.

When NL comes out, it will be ruined by the first major gold dupe. But it is temporary, so only ruined for a while.


Stratics Veteran
having lots of gold doesn’t mean there is much to spend that on.
these things can be normalized to time investment, and “trading” time.

The notion of gold, and real or perceived inflation, is a bit of a red herring.

the temporary nature of NL is a massive question mark, at least.