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[Discussion] A member of our community - passed


Crazed Zealot
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Woody_Cats = AKA Mah from Catskills had a major heart attack earlier this week and had just expired a little over an hour ago.

I am in shock and sad at the same time. She was a queit player and always kept to herself but she loved collecting as evident by her recent event that toured all of her 20+ houses. She will be missed by those who knew her.

At the end of her event she said to me to thank all those who visited her houses, it made her feel really special and all the years of collecting and decorating.

I don't want to type anymore, its pissing me off.
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Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Many people might not have known Mary Ann, but she was a very special, rare and unique player. I remember when she wanted to buy one of my Haunted Chests back when I never sold anything I owned, and because it was her, I sold it to her. She was a very generous and caring player, incredibly trustworthy and blatantly honest. If you want to pay your respects to her facebook you can do so here https://www.facebook.com/mary.hubbs May God Bless her and Keep her, rest in peace Great Lady War!
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Old and in the way
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It is not easy to be the one that brings the news of a player passing. Even I know that name. We are all just a little bit less with the loss of such a wonderful person. I assure you the thoughts,prayers and best wishes for Woody_Cats family, friends and gaming companions are on the minds of UO Stratics.



Slightly Crazed
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Mary Ann was the sweetest person I have ever met in this game. She became such a special friend to me on catskills when she first asked my help with something.. I am glad last year with the help of Manticore we made her dream come true about having her Rares Houses shown because she has loved this game so much. But more important the friendship she made with all of us we will remember her for years to come .. Rest in peace dear lady you will be missed


Lore Keeper
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MAH was very special to me. She had a very kind and generous heart. When I was looking for the special lantern that manticore said was in a private collection of a collector that doesn't sell uniques, she told me she checked her collection and didn't find it. That was the type of person she was. She would have given that up even if it was a unique and she loved her rares, because she was always that caring and generous. She will be greatly missed.


Lore Master
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I wish I had the chance to have known her in the game. She is the type of person that i really enjoy getting to know and talk to from time to time. I lost a good friend in the game a number of years
ago, we had many a good conversation about the game and about life in general outside the game. The special players that we occasional meet in this game truely make this more then just a game. Rest in Peace Mary Ann.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a very sad news :( Mah was very kind and generous person. She was one of the most avid UO players. Rest in Peace and you will be missed...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Woody RIP, i didnt know to well but i knew :(

We need to start a RL picture thread like many shard forums have so we can put a name to a face.

You will be sadly missed and so will your $3000+ a year for EA coffers. Only joking, im sure she would be happy loking down knowing we are thinking about UO future, and if something could be done like on atl for goodman ill throw in my gold and suppert to keep her houses alive forever. I just hope we have UO in heaven :)

Im sure she's logging in now and doing the usual :)

Forever gone but never forgotten.....



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Very, Very Sad news. I am sorry for eveyone here who was close to her and her family. RIP

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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keeping her In our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted about the memorial


Stratics Veteran
I did not have the pleasure of meeting her but from the posts i have already read it is sad news to hear. I say a prayer for her family and friends for you can tell she was a person that will be missed.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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So so very sad.

She probably has 80%+ of my entire collection in her houses..with every trade we did,
I knew those items would be with her forever.
Huge loss for this community and for anyone that knew her in life.

I'm behind making her homes permanent displays.
I'll happily pay to keep those up.

Anyone know how the Goodman houses were archived?


Slightly Crazed
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sad news.
I knew her at last year's Great Lady War!
I have fond memories.
Rest in Peace Mary Ann

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
I only knew her briefly, for I had only known her because of her Event. She did come off as a respectable and helpful player; showing me around and helping me get started on her quest but who would have known that in those few moments her life-long attributes could be seen. I am deeply saddened by her passing but I do wish her a good life in the next world.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Always sad to hear of a player passing, doubly so when it's someone so well liked in the community.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Our little world will be less bright for not having her in it. My condolences to her friends and family, both in-game and out. Rest in peace, Mah.


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
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So so very sad.

She probably has 80%+ of my entire collection in her houses..with every trade we did,
I knew those items would be with her forever.
Huge loss for this community and for anyone that knew her in life.

I'm behind making her homes permanent displays.
I'll happily pay to keep those up.

Anyone know how the Goodman houses were archived?
My Condolences to your Community & Woody_Cats / Mah's family and friends.

Losing a friend is always sad.

Goodman's Rune Library was saved because he willed them to me in RL and I have kept them up almost 8 years now.

Any special memorial to Goodman over the years has always been turned down including more recently by Mesanna a request to make his Magincia Beach Library an NPC house dedicated to his memory. Any memorial to this fine lady will most likely have to be player held.

If I can help with this in any way, please contact me.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Outcry and I just selected flowers, and we just ordered to have them sent to the funeral service. If you would like to participate, or do something on your own, just message me, and I will give you details on how you can help.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My Condolences to your Community & Woody_Cats / Mah's family and friends.

Losing a friend is always sad.

Goodman's Rune Library was saved because he willed them to me in RL and I have kept them up almost 8 years now.

Any special memorial to Goodman over the years has always been turned down including more recently by Mesanna a request to make his Magincia Beach Library an NPC house dedicated to his memory. Any memorial to this fine lady will most likely have to be player held.

If I can help with this in any way, please contact me.
I understand why Mesanna cant make houses NPC perminant as it would get abused by to many people to make there house perminant and never have to pay there sub ever again. Maybe something could be done to kinda destroy the house plot and Mesanna lock everything down in a pretty way, so its no longer a house that can be accessed but like she has done with the guild things around player run towns? So the rune library/rares collection could be there forever but its not a house as say so its not accessable by anyone to add or remove items?

Would be a huge benefactor to be able to run around shards and see museums with knowing that those items will be sat there forever even when/if the person who owns them passes. I for 1 will never close my account unless life gets that bad i need the £9.99 a month. But id love to have a space were mesanna could lock my most precious rares down [things id never sell] so if something should happen to me they will be there forever for everyone to enjoy, without someone keeping my account alive and costing them money.


Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Oh my gosh, I'm speechless. Mary was so kind to me when I was doing the event on Cats which she, along with Manticore hosted. It is a sad day to hear that one of our rare-family members has passed. I remember going to her house on Cats and seeing that Renowned blue unique spider she owned, we sat there, talking for about an hour of how her collection was the most awesome and respectful piece of art in this game we love. I remember her telling me that, that unique Spider which dropped from Atlantic was her most prized rare and that she loved it so and that she couldn't sell it to me. No matter how much I asked to buy it. Just those few minutes spent talking to her and such told me she was a kind hearted person, she never had a bad word to say about anyone. She will be deeply missed.

May God bless her family in this troubling time, for the world has lost yet anothing great person. R.I.P Lady Mary of Catskills, you will never be forgotten.
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Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
Perhaps we can also memorialize them on this forum with a sticky thread maintained by a member of our community with info on those who have passed in our community. A small biography with some graphics of their homes or things that mattered to them.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Perhaps we can also memorialize them on this forum with a sticky thread maintained by a member of our community with info on those who have passed in our community. A small biography with some graphics of their homes or things that mattered to them.
A great idea, we've lost so many people these last few years I think its important that we remember them. Woody was a sweetheart that went beyond the call of duty as a collector, she took a massive amount of time out of her day to give me a full tour of her houses a couple of years ago, no small feat. She had a fabulous seer bottle collection among other things. My condolences to her family and friends.


Stratics Veteran
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Like so many other people in my life, I would have liked to have known her better. I wish kindess and caring to her soul and family.


Slightly Crazed
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Thank you so much for your concern and the beautiful flowers the UO community sent to the funeral. I know she would have loved them

RIP Mary


Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Stratics Legend
I'm sorry to hear this. I didn't know her but she sounded like a great person. I'm sad to see us lose another player of the community.

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I didn't know her well, only from the event she and Manticore hosted, but she was kind and helpful, and pleasant to talk to.

Rest in peace Mary Ann.