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[Fishing] A Lucky Day - Legendary plus Legendary

K.W. Li

Stratics Veteran
Just want to share, today I spent 2 hours from 118.9 to 120 fishing to become a Legendary Fisherman, then I go to Ice to try to get my most wanted legendary fish - the Winter Dragonfish.

I set a cycle includes one turn on east bridge and one turn on west bridge. How Lucky! I got a Winter Dragonfish on the 2nd cycle even don't use any bait. though it is a small one (Just 20 stone, just heavy enough for my name mark on it), it is good enough for my satisfaction.

So, I think the criteria to caught a Legendary Fish is luck, bait don't work too much on the task.


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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations! And you'll feel so much more grateful for your beneficent fish when you've struggled with the others... that one in particular has stupidly rare bait; coincidentally I only just got my first tub of it today.

You don't want to know how many fish it required, and how disappointed I was with more bait when I handed it in.

Be proud of your wee little 20 stoner again then, he's one of so very, very few that have been caught!