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[Discussion] A Lost Ra ?re in last patch ?



all my "a Magic" are renamed in my house chest´s to just spear -longspear -katana etc . only one that has its old name is "a magic double axe" is in my bank . i was very found of these items ... anyone else has same issue ?

sorry for the odd words in title :( . dont know what happend...


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
mmm just checked and still all ok....a magic axe ..a magic sword etc etc....u didnt make the chest locked own but public did you??? as some ass wipe would item id them and they would lose there special tag


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Someone use item ident on them? .. that will poof the tag.


All items are in a chest and only i got access to them . just odd all items in my house changed name but a double axe i got in the bank still says "a magic" double axe.. but all other 10 ish items in my house has lost the "a magic" tag...