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A little help please?

Lady Raja

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So it has been a while since I last trained.

I can't gain any resist, I am stuck at 115 (show real). All the arrows are going the right ways. I think I have that RA/Protection thingy on. Does that matter? If so, how do I take it off?

I just want to finish my resist...

Any help would be super!


when someone says they are stuck on an even number like 110 or 115 I always ask if there are enough points to spare and if they are scrolled to 120 and like you said you have the arrows pointing in the right direction.

other that that there should be no reason for you not to gain in resist


are you getting hit with the right spells? youi need debuffing, paralize, or poison. I know that on paralize eval doesn't matter. Being in the same alliance doesn't matter. So find a friend/guildmate to cast paralize on you.

Lady Raja

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh wow, thanks Gwendar! That paralyze and poison thingy did the trick.



That avatar is so mesmerizing ....

[/ QUOTE ]

I've thought the same thing for a couple years.. Have often wondered who that was.