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(RP) A Friends Treasured Gift

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
[Reposted from the Freehold of Roses storyboard for Sage Aurora]

"I think the tapestry from the main entry way will go nicely there," Sage said while nodding to Greta, a Boggin caretaker from Winter Guard. It was all hands on deck for crafts people and strong arms alike in the Freehold of Roses as they prepared to move Grey Manor and expand on the Gypsy Camp in their canyon of ice and snow. Three new families of Gypsies from the Northern Minocian Highlands had agreed to move into the Freehold and tend its orchard of winterberries and run the new distillery.

Stone was being quarried from the Luna side of the mountain range and carried up the mountain. Helfgrim a burly ogre from Arcadia was overseeing the collection of raw materials, while the Boggins saw to textiles and finery, and the Nockers tended to any mechanical needs as well as the heating in the new Manor. In secrecy below the blanket of permanent snow in the Canyon Glomes, the very spirits of stone, remolded the cavern tunnels to move the entrance to the Balefire to within Grey Manor's new home.

There hadn't been this much activity in the freehold in years, not since the first Gypsies moved into the canyon. Sage smiled as she looked on from the roof of the manor, watching the bustle below. She giggled softly as she felt the thrum beneath her feet of the balefire excitedly burning as it too sensed those moving with a sense of purpose helping the Freehold grow. The Fae now owned all but one building in the Canyon, and in time if they worked together the would own them all, expanding to ten buildings possibly.

"Thank you Aedon," Sage whispered to herself and felt an affection radiating from the Balefire. Aedon Durreah, Ex-King, Ex-Tavernkeeper, currently Ships Captain of the Celtic Tide but always and truly a friend. Safari had contacted the Firebrand several weeks past explaining that she was moving to warmer climbs and was looking for new owners of her property in the canyon she shared with the Fae. Being creatures of libation and frivolity, the Fae rarely collected a lot of gold before it was spent. Sage spoke of the discussions for the property with Aedon and was overwhelmed by his generous offer of his property on the newly cleansed and populated Island of Magincia. "See if she will trade you the two properties on Malas for my building in New Magincia," Aedon offered.

Sage trilled softly as she prepared her plants for the move to her new gardens to the west. The deal was done, Safari was happily tending her new property in New Magincia and the Freehold was busy preparing for the arrival of the Gypsies from Trammel. All because of the loving generosity of Aedon Durreah. In his honour the new Orchard would bear his family name, for family Aedon was to the Fae, no stauncher friend did they have. For years to come the gypsy's tales will fill the Freehold; their song and dance will be mixed Fae distilled, Winterberry Brandy and will hopefully spread joy to those who visited and share in their telling.


(OOC): This story begins and ends with the act of friendship and the generosity of Aedon Durreah. The freehold honestly didn't have the resources to expand and with the willingness of Safari to trade with us for the properties in our canyon, Aedon made it possible. I'd like to thank both Safari for coming to us and offering us the properties first when she was ready to move on, and Aedon for the donation of his property in New Magincia. Thank you both very kindly for adding to the ongoing story that is the Freehold of Roses.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh wow, I am really touched. Thank you.

I am so happy the plots went to your RP guild! My main characters had lived in those 2 houses for pretty much a decade. I considered it one of the best places on the server due to the privacy & the mining resources. I wasn't going to let them go to just anyone.

I'm glad I was able to track you down and that generous Aedon helped sweeten the pot. It did make my move from my old homes less sad.

- Safari