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A friend Can't Patch


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am posting on behalf of a good friend who cannot patch and play. She recently suffered a computer 'crash' and had to reload everything. She is running Vista and assures me that all the patches except the last one download without a problem but gets the cancel / abort message after the final patch doesn't take.

Any insights would be appreciated.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is she using Start as administrator option to start the patcher?

Rightclick on the UO sign and select that option and see if that helps.

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was another post or two about this awhile back. I believe Frarc is correct. Make sure you are running UO as an admin, not he windows profile, but the program itself.

RIGHT+CLICK on the icon used to launch UO (Which client is she using, Enhanced or Classic?). Next select "Run as Administrator" from that menu. This will launch the program (UO) with administrator rights which allow it to make certain changes or updates to while patches. This is a new feature in Vista and Win 7 and once you know about it it's no big deal and is a good safety measure on Microsoft's part.

If this resolves her issue there is a way to make UO run in admin mode all the time. I'll add those instructions if it works for her and you want to setup and forget about it.

There may also be a bum patch file to be deleted depending on which client she is using and so on. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Hope it works!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My friend has tried all day using sugggestions from here and elsewhere to no avail. She gets as far as

I am far from tech savy but this feels like something easy that's being missed. I know nothing about Vista. I apologize that all the information I post here is second hand.

Any suggestions at what else she should be looking for? She insists that all her other online applications are working fine.