The Sandman

So you want a house inside the Luna walls of the Napa Valley Shard?

Nabin of Napa Valley and Deal or No Deal UO Style has a house on the South East corner of Luna that will be your prize if you can win the natural 10 milion on Deal or No Deal UO Style on Napa Valley Saturday at 6pm Eastern, 3 pm Pacific. The final contestant will have a choice of 10 million in UO Gold or this great spot inside the Luna walls on Napa Valley and their grand prize.

Follow the barrel trail going out the east side of Luna!!!!

If you don't show up and watch/listen to the show you can't win anything!!!

All you have to do is be there and give a book with your name in it to Vana Mana Rose to have a chance to be the final contestant on Deal or no Deal UO Style!!!! Lots of door prizes that will be delivered to the shard of your choice (US Shards)...See yo there!!!!!!