I've just come back after a year's break but i'm closing 1 of 3 accounts.
If anybody could use a free 18x18 plot in tokuno (on the roard no spawn
exept gamans) pm or gimme a buzz on icq.
Did the priceing change ? Wen i want to buy some arrows froom the bowjer
i see a price of 37gp (in luna) but the buyback price is 3gp?
What the hell happened to bags-of-sending i tried to send 15k to the bank
and it used 28 charges i think.
I've just come back after a year's break but i'm closing 1 of 3 accounts.
If anybody could use a free 18x18 plot in tokuno (on the roard no spawn
exept gamans) pm or gimme a buzz on icq.
Did the priceing change ? Wen i want to buy some arrows froom the bowjer
i see a price of 37gp (in luna) but the buyback price is 3gp?
What the hell happened to bags-of-sending i tried to send 15k to the bank
and it used 28 charges i think.