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A fix for the Mob's mini bars when using Ctrl shift.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Currently when you use the ctrl/shift keys to get the mini bars on screen to look for mob's bars they will be red along with all the summons. Now in a sea of mini bars filled with blue, green and red it almost impossible to pick the right one to attack. @Kyronix Would it be possible to make the mob's bar purple?

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
i wish the certain bars like your char's bar, body and bosses bar would at least show on top of other bars. ive done shift control for a long time. sometimes there are so many bars from other people, all the added deco crap and mobs, you have to go the side to get bar of body, pet, guldies or boss ect... you can also crash but hasnt happen to me for a long time now. it would be nice if certain bars would pop up on screen like ec. some ems will put boss outside area where u can get the boss's bar which many are thankful. there are things the devs added in options that you can use. im so use to it , doesnt bother me anymore lol.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, whenever i run Blackthorn's Captains as the guild hunt, there are so many bars that it can be hard to pull the Captain's health bar to target. 15+ people, most with pets or red summons, and it's a real pain pulling bars.

Acid Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In said situations, I right click the bars not serving a purpose to close them. After half dozen or more bars disappear in the general location your trying to see, the desired bar can usually be found & clicked upon as long u don’t fumble ***k it by accidentally closing it (which I often do). Then ur back to square one. A filter would be preferable.

Often heard by guildmates & friends if I wasn’t so concerned with playing by UO’s outdated & never updated rules, there are easy and simple solutions to this problem. Again, a filter for the CC would be nice.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
If i recall correctly, the EC makes Drakelord go into fits of something or another, he can only play all female characters in the classic client.....
Ya the EC client does mess me up, alot. As for female characters across shards, most were started by my daughter (was her account) and when I started making new characters on that account, to fight, travel across shards she did not, I went female/elf, reason is armor for female characters is by far more easy to get then if you play a garg, or a human male etc..