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A Few Notices

EM Barnaby

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Howdy folks.

A couple quick notices.

First, if you haven't seen it yet, there is announcement on the Herald regarding the Cross Shard Treasure Hunt that we have two teams competing in. Check it out HERE.
I will be announcing some details on this shortly. If you were a member of one of our three teams and have yet to email me, please do so ([email protected]).

Secondly, a few people have asked me about the Council members (where they are, and how long they will be there). There is one in most of the cities in Trammel (as well as one in Felucca), and they will be up for some time, though what they are willing to talk about may change. There will be an event to tie into this storyline announced for next week.

Thirdly, we did not receive any submissions for the Reward Hall design contest. We are extending it until September 3rd for those who may still want to participate.

Bye bye.