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Stratics Legend
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After the Vesper Auction on Friday night, I visited my office just over the western bridge from the bank island. To my dismay, this was the scene that greeted me:
My office had been ransacked! My lovely academic bookcases had been ruined, and my books thrown haphazardly about. My nice poppies were trampled and my houseplant destroyed. I was disturbed by the discovery, naturally, but decided that it must have been the work of the invaders that have been plaguing Vesper and other Britannia cities of late.
So I tidied up and put the incident out of my mind. I got the last item for the Vesper Silent Auction this afternoon, and after setting it up again visited my office... only to find this:
My office has been leveled! The upper two floors are gone completely, and what's left is nothing but precarious wreckage. As I reeled in shock and grief, I noticed something odd... there were cannonballs amidst the debris.
I stepped outside to get a different perspective and noticed more cannonballs...
They were leading away from my office...
Toward the shore...
and a mysterious vessel parked in the canal!
It seems that the captain of "The Bloody Hand of Fate", whoever he or she may be, has seen fit to destroy my office! I am uncertain what I may have done to provoke such aggression, but from the look and name of the ship I'm guessing that the pirates who have in the past used Vesper as a frequent port have not appreciated my anti-piracy stance and commitment to justice in Vesper.
There is also the possibility that the cultprit(s) may be affiliated with Regina Storm, whose murder of Minoc warrior guildleader Richard Gilchrist was solved by a helpful group of citizens, and who is still under guard in the guard tower at the edge of town awaiting transport to the prison in Yew.
It is difficult to say for certain at this point, and the pilot of "The Bloody Hand of Fate" was not talking.
A representative of the local chapter of the Order of Engineers has been by and declared the office to no longer be structurally sound, and it was officially condemned by the city. Fortunately the Royal Architects had recently built small official governor's offices in most of the cities, so I still have a place to conduct official city business:
My office had been ransacked! My lovely academic bookcases had been ruined, and my books thrown haphazardly about. My nice poppies were trampled and my houseplant destroyed. I was disturbed by the discovery, naturally, but decided that it must have been the work of the invaders that have been plaguing Vesper and other Britannia cities of late.
So I tidied up and put the incident out of my mind. I got the last item for the Vesper Silent Auction this afternoon, and after setting it up again visited my office... only to find this:
My office has been leveled! The upper two floors are gone completely, and what's left is nothing but precarious wreckage. As I reeled in shock and grief, I noticed something odd... there were cannonballs amidst the debris.
I stepped outside to get a different perspective and noticed more cannonballs...
They were leading away from my office...
Toward the shore...
and a mysterious vessel parked in the canal!
It seems that the captain of "The Bloody Hand of Fate", whoever he or she may be, has seen fit to destroy my office! I am uncertain what I may have done to provoke such aggression, but from the look and name of the ship I'm guessing that the pirates who have in the past used Vesper as a frequent port have not appreciated my anti-piracy stance and commitment to justice in Vesper.
There is also the possibility that the cultprit(s) may be affiliated with Regina Storm, whose murder of Minoc warrior guildleader Richard Gilchrist was solved by a helpful group of citizens, and who is still under guard in the guard tower at the edge of town awaiting transport to the prison in Yew.
It is difficult to say for certain at this point, and the pilot of "The Bloody Hand of Fate" was not talking.
A representative of the local chapter of the Order of Engineers has been by and declared the office to no longer be structurally sound, and it was officially condemned by the city. Fortunately the Royal Architects had recently built small official governor's offices in most of the cities, so I still have a place to conduct official city business: