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[Fishing] A couple of questions

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a lot of questions for what i didn't found the answers :(
FIRST How can i see how many quests i've made?
People says for example "i've made 210 quests" but how can i count how many quests i do?
SECOND: I've made some quests, about 30. All quests have as reward a bait or a lava lobster trap. Suddenly my quests are very simple ( i do not cancelled any quests eccept some at the beginning). Now i receive some books. Are these book important?
I've read one of these but is a english that i don't understand :(
It's all, for now :)
Thanks for the patience


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hiya, Will do my best.

FIRST: There is no way of finding it out, people have been keeping count themselves how many they have done.

SECOND: I have several copies of all parts of the book, They aren't important in my opinion. And sometimes the system will give you a quest for 10 fish, It doesn't mean you have lost all your previous quest points.

Hope that helps.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, another question.
What is the difference from fishing in shallow water and in server line?
Fishes are the same?
I've tried in the two locations and it seems that fishes are the same. But is it true?
Well, the differences?
Thanks :)

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Ivory,

If you get on the correct coordinates along the server line, the fish will be different. I sailed out to the server line east of Moonglow today and with my ship sailing south along the server line, I was catching deep water fish on my port side and shallow water fish on my starboard side. Be carefull once you find the correct coordinate, because when you cross an east/west server line, it will through you off a few degrees and you have to readjust your coordinates. If you sail east from the south shore of Moonglow Island, stop as soon as you cross the server line. Set you ship sailing south and stand on the port side. Get on coordinate 7 º 29N - 92º 23 W and then fish off both port and starboard sides to see if you get different fish. Depending on the size of your ship, you may have to move one tile until you fine the correct coordinate.

Thanks, Katrena

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The trick with shore and server line, is that you can catch the same kind of fish - and also, gain skills at low level while sailing slow forward while you are sailing at the server line. The coding for both is the samel.

It is just that when you at shore, you will stand at same spot fishing and you go emty of fish in water pretty fast.

Sailing at server line, keeps you moving - raise the chance of getting a skill gain and it wont let you out of fishes.

Along with this, you can throw the fish in the ship trunk - and when its full you can use a commodity deed to deed the fishes and easy move them.

The futher you are out of the server line, accords to the futher you are out of shore.

Hope this clears it up.