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A CALL TO ARMS!! [Shadow Dweller III - EM RP event - Sun. March 7th]



Wount be able to make it, really wish they would do these just an hour or so later in the day on sundays.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wount be able to make it, really wish they would do these just an hour or so later in the day on sundays.

It's not really condusive to the prime time that Sonoma shard is played. Doing it around 7-8 PM EDT would be more in line. I can't make it at 2pm (MST) my time either.


Miri of Sonoma

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since these events began (EM hosted events), west coast people have had to deal with ALL events being at 5 PM PST. For alot of west coast people this is a VERY inconvenient time as they are at work, on the way home, making dinner or having dinner. 4 to 5 PM is not prime time for Sonoma. :( I realize we have a wide diversity of time zones to accomodate but it is always the same people who are inconvenienced.

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From Ultima Online Sonoma Community (facebook)

Sonoma citizens & members of the RBG heed the call to battle the mysterious Shadow Dweller and listens carefully to the directions given by the Sgt. at Arms, Amonos.

Quickly arriving at the designated last seen location of the Shadow Dweller the forces are met with minions guarding the entrance and peculiar bones lay on the ground showing previous warfare.

A unknown slain Luna guard gives the group some insight as to what might have happened.

Book laying beside the slain Luna guard ...

A few feet away another slain guard with more details of their demise.

The battle spills out of the dungeon...

One of the dangerous minions that lies within ...

The view from just inside the dungeon entrance as the fight ensued deeper into the cave...

The battle was victorious as more and more minions fell to the sharp skills of the warriors!

Suddenly the Shade of the Shadow Possessed appeared defiantly declaring YOU LOSE MORTALS! The Shadow Lord had once again escaped the blows of death but the dedicated fighters would be ready for the next call to arms!

Having won this round in the battle against the Shadow Lord the warriors begin to regroup.

Amonos speaks of sending out more scouts and congratulates everyone on their achievements.

The gathering decides to hold a strategy meeting on Thursday, March 18th ... details to be posted as soon as available.

Names snapshot of some of the warriors who assisted in the battle.

Amonos brings the bones of one of the fallen Luna guards to place as a reminder and as a reference of respect in the Museum of Player Rewards.

In the corner of the Museum are the books for the public representing Tales of the Shadow Dweller.