Just wanted to post a little feedback on your first Napa event.
First off let me say GOOD JOB!
What I thought was good:
1. Great balance between the number of mobs and thier respective difficulty. We had a fairly typical number of participates for a good EM event. This events balance should serve as a good measuring point for future events.
2. I thought the length was great. I've always thought that about an hour work well for keeping people engaged.
3. I really liked the peerless level of most of the event mobs. I think it adds to the excitement when you have a chance for a regular artifact when participating in the events. It tends to engage everyone instead of a bunch of folks standing around watching until the final boss is up.
My only suggestion relates to the end event mob. Serosz (sp?) went down really fast. I saw several folks who died in his first wave attack and by the time they were ressed up and dressed the dragon was down. I don't know how much control EMs have over hit points/resists but I would love to see end bosses take at least a good 5-10 minutes for the crowd to take down. More HP, higher resists, mobs with no slayer would all be suggestions so that the boss lives long enough to kill folks a few times and still give them a chance to get some good damage in.
Overall 2 thumbs up! Looking forward to more.