The bolded part is where I think you're losing a lot of people. Interest in making requests drops precipitously when the notion that everything is "temporary" is said, the response from many becomes "why bother?" We'd like some
permanent, cosmetic changes to our cities - whether by world building efforts or EMs who love to decorate.
Just yesterday I was asked in general chat to decorate Britain so it didn't look so sterile, so un-lived-in. Of course I had to say no.
*ALL* previous requests on GL for decoration improvements were denied.
Just take a quick peek in the buildings in nearly every original city, then take a peek in Zento and New Haven buildings. Notice a difference? Heck, look at Zento/New Haven as a whole, then compare them to any original city...they all pale in comparison. The original cities look institutional, boring,
empty. The only bright spots are where EMs have made a mark, or from the bank redesigns (some of which are exceptionally pretty and functional...except for the one on GL
While I'm cautiously optimistic about the library, I'm somewhat afraid of it perpetuating the cookie-cutter look of the original cities. We need a way for a shard's personality to be reasonably reflected in the cities.