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7th & 8th Circle Mysticism Spells


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Ok Devs...or anyone for that matter.....Where do those scrolls drop? We can't find em ANYWHERE!


I wish a Dev would at least comment on if the scrolls are even OBTAINABLE at this time. I don't mind looking for them, but after tearing Ter Mur and the Abyss half apart I would have thought to have found something by now.

If they aren't available now and will open as part of those 'sealed lands' that they will open later in Ter Mur, I think thats kind of lame since you can currently use both Imbuing and Throwing to their full potential given time and materials. Why should aspiring Mystics be forced to wait when Artificers and Bladeweavers can access their full capabilites without a future publish?


did anyone finish the Tattered Remnants of an Ancient Scroll quest? I have a feelind it might give these spells. Have yet to try it out coz have only 4 remnants, and the quest asks for 5


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The tattered pottery quest gives a bag with a book, gems, and a random imbuing ingredient (lum fungi or parasitic plant). The mysticism scrolls are found in the Primeval Lich Champ Spawn down in the Abyss. Hope this helps!


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The tattered pottery quest gives a bag with a book, gems, and a random imbuing ingredient (lum fungi or parasitic plant). The mysticism scrolls are found in the Primeval Lich Champ Spawn down in the Abyss. Hope this helps!
The tattered scroll quest gives the same! Sorry.


the lich spawn only gives lesser circle scrolls, the same that can be bought. Or did you manage to find a new spell on those monsters? Did that spawn yesterday but haven't had much time to check all the corpses.


the primeval spawn only gives lvl 5-6 scrolls, so far ive killed pretty much everything but stygian/medusa and those two have been done so much that any info on mysticism scrolls would have been known by now. (Include all the void mini-bosses, and other mini-bosses)

Got 93 mysticism so far and had hoped that there was a clue in the Royal City Mysticism guy saying "Become an adept in Mysticism. Help Tel-Mur" But apparently that was a dead-end as well.

Been running around for 2 days now looking for those damn scrolls but cant really seem to catch a break, I forgot to check the 4th level on the new demon spawn though, cause silly as I was I actually thought creatures casting mysticism spells were the ones who would drop them..

Only conclusion I can come to atm is either they are quest based from some "hidden" NPC, or they just arent implemented yet, which would be amazingly lame.


i've seen a couple people using rising collosus, so they've got to be available somehow. i'm guessing it's being kept secret.


Not to sound patronizing, sure its rising colossus and not stone form? :p
Cause if it is ill have to renew my comittment!

Edit: Also the reason why people might be keeping it a secret is because hail storm (at least test center version) is so horribly OP it makes me want to have it!


The tattered pottery quest gives a bag with a book, gems, and a random imbuing ingredient (lum fungi or parasitic plant). The mysticism scrolls are found in the Primeval Lich Champ Spawn down in the Abyss. Hope this helps!
This spawn is the only place I've found to get
Bombard, cleansing winds, mass sleep and spell trigger.

It doesn't not drop Hail Storm, Nether cyclone, rising colossus, spell plague


I can imagine why people who found the last 4 spells would keep it to themselves, and since my momma raise me right, my thoughts about them will have to remain my own...If you are doing that on Baja, you don't have a friend in me.

But it seems extremely lame that they haven't been found yet.. and if one more person gives some cryptic smart-ass answer cause they were in the closed beta and know all the answers but don't have the compassion to share the answers when peeps ask for help, I'm gonna hit them upside the head with my keyboard!

Vampyre Kitty

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I tried making these on my scribe and for whatever reason it isn't working.. I've got all the ingredients.. and I'm 100 inscription.. only thing I'm not is a gargoyle.. shows they are craftable on the scribe pen so I don't get why scribes arnt able to make these.. :/

Eyes of Origin

You cant scribe them because you dont have a full mytisicim book in your pack. Just like with mage scrolls, you can only inscribe them with a full book in your pack already.

Cant scribe what you dont know =(


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I tried making these on my scribe and for whatever reason it isn't working.. I've got all the ingredients.. and I'm 100 inscription.. only thing I'm not is a gargoyle.. shows they are craftable on the scribe pen so I don't get why scribes arnt able to make these.. :/
Need to have a copy of the spell in your spell book to craft scrolls. That's why you keeping getting you don't have the required ingredients message (probably).


Looks like EoO beat me too the answer

Eyes of Origin

If people are withholding the info so they have the advantage over others, its kind of sad. I've done everything but the Medusa and Stygian peerlesses in search of these scrolls. It passed the frustrating stage about 24hrs ago.

Vampyre Kitty

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oh ya thats right... forgot I needed a full one.. blah shows how long it's been since I scribed a book lol.. thanks for the info =)

Eyes of Origin

hehe I did it too then realized what I was doing wrong doh! hehe :)

Tina Small

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But it seems extremely lame that they haven't been found yet.. and if one more person gives some cryptic smart-ass answer cause they were in the closed beta and know all the answers but don't have the compassion to share the answers when peeps ask for help, I'm gonna hit them upside the head with my keyboard!
I didn't mess around with mysticism, Yalp, although anyone who did closed or open beta did get a full mysticism book in their bank box. I think I would have probably been too lazy or too overwhelmed to go looking to see who dropped the spell scrolls if I'd decided to check out the skill.

I know a few people had fun experimenting with the Rising Colossus in beta, so maybe one of them can post a saved screenshot of what it looks like so people will know it when they see it.


yeah in the open beta i set my skills to 120 and had a full book.. never even thought to check out to see where the scrolls dropped, honestly didn't even figure we needed to.


So anyone have any new info on this? I have heard that Medusa use the rising colossus spell (Havent got it 100% confirmed) and that it might drop from her.

So if anyone got a group doing medusa please leave your info about it here, not even sure if she got a 100% droprate IF she drops it either.

The rest of the scrolls I havent go a clue about..


So anyone have any new info on this? I have heard that Medusa use the rising colossus spell (Havent got it 100% confirmed) and that it might drop from her.

So if anyone got a group doing medusa please leave your info about it here, not even sure if she got a 100% droprate IF she drops it either.

The rest of the scrolls I havent go a clue about..
I have now completed Medusa about 10 times and have never seen her cast a Mysticism spell... she is an archer! Have not seen any scrolls on her corpse either.


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SW of Ter Mur can't be reached yet. Maybe the monsters there drop the scrolls.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Someone said there is another hidden Peerless. If there is that is the likely place for the drop.

Eyes of Origin

Well, there goes the idea of doing Medusa today and looking for unfound scrolls lol. Oh well, guess we'll do it anyway and see what drops hehe.

Still frustrated that no one can find them :(


One of the renowned ratmen, I think the ribbon one, casts spell plague (7th circle). You can try him for drops.


AAAhhhhhh Whats the deal?!?!?!!?!? Can't believe the last 4 spells are just no where to be found. :wall:


ok ill trudge into the renown ratmen lair place and kill a few of them, so give me an hour and ill come back with an updated report on if it drops anything.


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Got hit by a Bombard and other nasty things i couldnt identify from a Usagralem Ballem ,still nothing on corpse.Was unable to find another of these things.Killed several Anlorvaglem,nothing on them.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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so this is what i was thinking.

we did the undead spawn in fel the other night.
the SA undead spawn.
the one with the wisps and goes up to the undead gargs and those freaky Whites.

anyways, the Undead Gargs had the level 5 and 6 scrolls on them.
so, wouldnt it make scence that the other fel spawn would have scrolls too?

has anyone gotten the demon spawn up to level 3 or 4 and checked the bodies?


Other than underwhelming loot, did not find any scrolls on him :(
Didn't expect any, but he was a mob that used a 7th circle mysticism spell, so I thought I'd mention him.

There's a couple area we can't get to yet, in the areas around the gargoyle city. to the NW is a lava area, with most of the places you can walk on inaccessable. There's even what looks like a bridge on part of it.

The entire SW part is also unreachable. In the southernmost part of the division between the reachable and unreachable areas is a spot that looks like a bridge would be there, but isn't.

Hopefully they'll be reachable when the moongate is activated. Which will be an event soon.

Also, south of the main city, is an area reachable just by one bridge, with a small villiage on the cliffs. There's also a pyramid there. Near the pyramid is a small Moonglow-style teleporter. It doesn't send you anywhere, so it's just decoration, the end point, or needs something to activate it.


Finished stygian dragon peerless today, no scrolls on corpse.. be he also doesn't use any mystic spells


Since 5th and 6th level are on the new undead spawn have anyone tested properly level 3 and 4 deamon spawn? as in check a ton of corpses? It would make sense to have the mysticism spells in fell to be honest, but then again, who the heck knows.

I went to trammel to try and find them as soon as I had done abyss/Ud spawn once each and had no luck with abyss, although I only checked the first few corpses of each level o_O


Also, EA should at least confirm or deny if theyre in the game yet, cause this is honestly doing my head in. So would it be too much to ask about a confirmation? Iagine the amount of totally wasted hours the UO players have had if they werent implemented yet.


Always Present
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Someone said there is another hidden Peerless. If there is that is the likely place for the drop.

I hope not.

I can only imagine, should this be the case, how badly it would be farmed thus harming many players' game play.....

Having highly desireable items spawn only on 1 or few monsters is, IMHO, a receipe for promoting farming which might harm so much many other players' game play.

To protect all players' game play items should drop on a variety of MOBs, not only on specific ones, IMHO.

Or, in alternative, put in Daily CAPs to the number of any given high end item an account can get thus blocking farming and, possibly, scripting.

That's how I see it.


In the case of scrolls, a hidden peerless doesnt matter to much, if it only drops the scrolls of course, cause once it gets found it will get killed a couple times and the scrolls will start to spread, but not even knowing if there IS any bloody scroll is annoying as hell.

Killed every peerless but medusa now, and know she dont drop it, and both the champs in the new spawns, so I dont think its the high end bosses, also done 90% of the renowned bosses and they dont drop anything useful.


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I can only imagine, should this be the case, how badly it would be farmed thus harming many players' game play.....
Since the scrolls can be inscribed (once they are found) as soon as they sell their first scroll prices should drop quickly making the spawn less lucrative for them. If the loot doesn't bring the gold, what point is there to camp?


Always Present
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Since the scrolls can be inscribed (once they are found) as soon as they sell their first scroll prices should drop quickly making the spawn less lucrative for them. If the loot doesn't bring the gold, what point is there to camp?

Then what would be the point of making them hardly accessable ?

I mean, so much work to make them hard to get and then after the first players got them they inscribe hundreds of them and feed all of the other players thus making all the work to make them hard to find, meaningless ?

Makes no sense to me.......

Then they should have just made them droppable on all other monsters currently carrying the lower scrolls.....

At least, that is how I think.


Thats it though, we dont know whats going on, as it is now, they are unaccessible, cause even if they were there they are all but impossible to find, of course once theyre found/If theyre found they are gonna spread fast. But the thing is, I dont care if they are easy or hard to find, heck I wouldnt care even if they werent inscribeable, I just want to find them.


they are certainly scribble.. scribe-able, scrabble.. oh hell!

Where are they!?!?!