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[Selling] 77 month Account Forsale Info Inside



Account Forsale

77 month Old

Chara 1

Anatomy 100
animal lore 108.9
animal tameing 102.2/115
archery 101.9/115
chivalry 69
tactics 100
vet 91.6
well trained super dragon in stables plus alot of others all bonded.
no items on chara..

chara 2

Ishmael Tallow
Anatomy 94
Eval int 100
Fencing 100
Magery 100
Meditation 100
Tactics 100
Chara wearing relfect phy damage suit 100% with resists.

chara 3

Handover Phist
eval int 75
meditation 85.2
swordsman 100
chara wearing 100% lrc suit

chara 4

lothar the large
arms 92.7
blacksmith 109.3
carpentry 100
lumberjacking 100
tinkering 100
mining 100
magery 55.6
chara wearing 100% lrc suit

Room for 2 more new chara's..
Ultima Online Registration | Registered
Ultima Online Renaissance Registration | Registered
Ultima Online Lord Blackthorne's Revenge Registration | Registered
Ultima Online Age of Shadows (or Ultima Online: Gold) Registration | Registered
Ultima Online 7th Anniversary Registration | Registered
Ultima Online Samurai Empire (Or the Ultima Online: Gold Jewel Case version) Registration | Registered
Ultima Online: Mondain’s Legacy Registration | Registered
Ultima Online: 9th Anniversary Collection Registration | Registered

skill stored on full soul stone [blue colour]
fishing 100
skill stored on soul fragments
locking picking 91.2
alchemy 91.6
anatomy 92
cartography 100 [1 of the hardest skills 2 gain in game]
no red chara no marks on account
icq if intresed or any questions 480 473 873 thanks