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[Buying] 70s non imbued exptional made non runic made

  • Thread starter venoumoususmc
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Need the following GM crafted (prefer leather) suit:
70s resist that takes advantage of non faction spirit of totem and jackals collar. Also cannot use jewelry . Thanks pm me or aim me at mahlerh3d thanks!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Unfortunately you have made an impossible request...

Non-Faction Spirt of the totem = 39 total resists
Jackal's Collar = 50 total resists

Base leather piece = 15 resists
Exceptional and Arms Lore bonus = 20 Resists
Barbed Leather (max total resists) = 12

Total = 47

So, 39+50+47+47+47+47 = 277 total resists

To get all 70's you would need 70 x 5 = 350 total resists.

The point being if you want an all 70's suit with the artifacts you listed you would need to invest imbuing properties in resists on your leather pieces. That is also assuming you get really luck with where the exceptional and arms lore bonuses fall.


Even if you used Woodland Armor which has the highest total resists possible when made with Bloodwood or Frostwood you still wouldn't have enough total resists to not have any resists imbued.

Woodland = 15
Exceptional and Armslore = 20
Bloodwood = 18

Total = 53

39+50+53+53+53+53 = 301. So you would still fall 49 resists short, assuming you got extremely lucky with where the arms lore and exceptional bonuses fall.