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7/12/2024 Auction List


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) Ozy's Obi - 10 Str / 10 Stam/ 2 Stam regen
2) Balron Bone Armor - SHARD BOUND 1720730135588.png
3) Crafted Plate Luck Legs - 1720730250646.png
4) Fortune's Visage - SHARD BOUND 250 Luck Orc Helm
5) Deco Guildstone - SHARD BOUND UO Store Item
6) Corsair's Insignia - Talisman SHARD BOUND 1720730712665.png
7) Garg VvV Crimmy - 1720730995565.png According to the UO Forums Player Wiki, you have to be in VvV to wear this item but it has no other label. 1720731091326.png
8) Genesis Gem - SHARD BOUND - turns the body appearance of a Triton into a Red Lava Lizard
9) 120 Parrying Scroll
10) 100 Plunderin Pirate Hats - Remember turn in deadline is soon (around the 15thish) - so turn them in!

The next Auction will be held 7-26-2024.