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6mo GT & the origin store...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looking to buy 6 blocks, 3yrs of GT. Anyone know if there's a way to batch that or do I seriously have to hit my card 6 times ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One at a time at Origin.....so frustrating

And then your card provider calls you for a fraud alert do to multiple charges
Usually alerts I can handle in the app, that wasnt my concern though. But ya, I've had two of those over the years. But I'm thinking 2 a day over three days or some mix of stuff.

But that's the most asinine thing ever that they don't have a cart. I mean maybe someone's wants a yr of gt. Tol and char stuff lol


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But I made a small killing in crypto yesterday with the retracement for the near parabolic move and stuff over the last couple months. So I figured why not, pay myself out to 14 years (+3 come may) which gives me Shard Shields at which point I'll see what the games like and whether or not I want to keep playing.


Yup. I bought 4x 6 month codes, 2 TOL, amd 2 HS codea at once. American express flagged it as fraud. Then EA locked my account for unusual activity. Took several days to reach an EA rep to get it straightened out.

Was pissed


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup. I bought 4x 6 month codes, 2 TOL, amd 2 HS codea at once. American express flagged it as fraud. Then EA locked my account for unusual activity. Took several days to reach an EA rep to get it straightened out.

Was pissed
A.E. I get flagging, but E.A. ?!?


A.E. I get flagging, but E.A. ?!?
Yup Amex flagged it and I guess reversed it without letting me know.

So EA pulled the codes back and locked my account for suspicious activity.

Not a big deal in itself, but I had to play online until I found the "help" tree that connected me to live chat.

This is after emails went unanswered for 2 working days.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You could have just said they reversed the payment and that totally would have made sense without you explaining the rest... I had a similar situation but I was the one that reversed it like 6 years ago. They said normally we don't let you back but it's been so long, whatever. Which pretty much was the gist of it. But apparently if it happens again I'm done.


Yea, now I buy all my codes with a separate EA account. I was worried I was going to lose 2 10+ years UO accounts because essentially, they have no customer service


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yea, now I buy all my codes with a separate EA account. I was worried I was going to lose 2 10+ years UO accounts because essentially, they have no customer service
Well that being said, AE is more anal retentive than just about every other credit card company in existence.


Yea, but I do ALL my purchases on my Amex platinum.

Its not unusual to buy **** from multiple countries on it same day (when I was living in Germany)

As well as pay online for multiple game subscriptions at the same time (3 kids all play Roblox amd have the 10$ a month package)

Was just odd how they declined it without notifying me


But I made a small killing in crypto yesterday with the retracement for the near parabolic move and stuff over the last couple months. So I figured why not, pay myself out to 14 years (+3 come may) which gives me Shard Shields at which point I'll see what the games like and whether or not I want to keep playing.
The way you make it sound is that if I payed 14 years on a new account I get the shard shields


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The way you make it sound is that if I payed 14 years on a new account I get the shard shields
Yeah, in 14 years... Try to understand what I actually said a little better. I mean I'm a little high right now and I even know what the hell I meant LOL


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
UO persists in spite of the fact EA makes it as pancaking difficult as possible to give them monies.

Origin is just the worst way to purchase games and their stuffs, yet it is the perfect match to the steaming pile that is the Mythic account management system. Only EA could suck so hard.