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5 yr vet thinking of returning- advice appreciated!



Hello all fellow Brits! Even though I have been away for 5 years I think being a member of UO is like being a US Marine- as in you are never an Ex member! Once in you are always in:) maybe just a little inactive for 5 years or so I have been:)
So anyway... I played UO with fun and vigor and love from just after beta for about 5 years on Atlantic until I spread my wings and found space and joined Earth and Beyond for its lovely but short life and then spent 5 years or so playing SWG thru all its trials and tribulations but all the while having a blast making great friends and vast fortunes in the galaxy like I did here on UO:)
So anyway..... real life took over, I have departed SWG and have been thinking about looking up UO again but of course have a bazillion questions. If anyone could entertain one or more of them I would very much be in your debt:)
Where to begin.....
1) Are any of my accounts from 5 years ago still able to be re-activated? I think I had 5 of them with great chars and much history if I can remember their names and passwords:)
2) Housing? Major reason I left the game (even though I had several castles and/or keeps) and some great small houses on islands that I just loved:) as I found other games like SWG had no issue with players placing houses and never understood why UO cold not conquer that demon. Guess this is a game stopper for me. If UO still has no room to place houses can't imagine coming back. What's new with this?
3) Can I use my old CD's from 5+ years ago to get started and probably spend a day or so patching or is it all too new?
4) One thing I always loved about UO - though I was and have always been thru most games a crafter- is the opportunity to just log on my mage or other combat type and go solo romp thru some fun dungeons and stuff for an hour or so alone and not have to worry about having to organize a team of 20 peeps to have any fun (like WOW:) Is the game still solo player friendly?
I thinks that's my starting point. I appreciate any responses or comments anyone can offer and I promise to respond to each one.
If anyone was on ATL 5+ years ago my main char was Pam Anderson (no jokes- the name has a funny story involving a breakup with a loser lawyer BF and trading the UO account for a leather couch that we can talk about more later:) so if you know me from my crafting and selling at the bank and vendors would love to hear from you:)
Thanks again!


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) Yes they should be there .

2) I think most shards got plenty of houseroom. Some rules changes and also you don't realy place a house anymore but houseplots in different shape and sizes.

3) I think you can still use old CD's but you can also download the clients from here : http://www.uoherald.com/guide/guide.php?guideId=112

4)You can do whatver you like in UO. Your free in almost everything. Can play UO Solo or with small group of friends or big ones. No restrictions here.

Welcome back.


Thanks Frarc that sounds encouraging:)
Damn I thought real life and getting engaged there would have separated me from online games after I signed off from SWG this year but now I'm rather excited about revisiting UO- especially if my old chars are still able to be resurrected and I can actually place housing now without those freaking mad whacko log in at midnight if you can loser times and see if you are lucky enough to grab a plot before the server crashes! Anyone remember them? lol :) Though I seem to remember a grand gesture of generosity I had thinking I would never be back wherein I gave away all my houses to strangers as well as my wealth on fine and fun night:)
Well as before and in other games earning wealth has never been my weak spot:)
Thanks again Frarc

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
You'll probably need to grab a fresh installer. While old ones can be patched, they can't be patched completely: You may find you're missing entire facets even when they claim to be "up to date".

Note that there are two clients currently, the "original" 2D version and the Kingdom Reborn client. Both have pros and cons, however, the KR client is due to be dis-continued within a few months (it'll be replaced by the Stygian Abyss client which will be introduced by the expansion of the same name). Don't bother about KR unless you're curious and have the bandwidth to spare.