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4 slot Greater Dragon


Stratics Veteran
So I found a 4 slot greater dragon while trying to farm paragon GDs with my Cu. I decided to tame him up real quick.
I've never trained one before so I'm not sure what I'll need to put his few points into. I know I'll need to max his resists and strength. He obviously needs health pretty bad. His skills are actually not too bad already so I wont need to invest a lot there. I'm just not sure about intelligence, mana and abilities.

Anyone have any suggestions?

*Edit* added image of first lore page.
GD Test.png
Last edited:


i'd do max mana and hp regens, max stam and dex (this is critical), max damage if its an option, as much str as you can (its not gonna hit 700 thanks to the high int), balance resists to your tastes, and see how many points are left over for HP, scrolls if you choose to do them, and abilities. I'd add AI for sure, anything else i think will be too tight on points.


Stratics Veteran
I wont do any scrolls, I couldnt afford 120 wrestling/tactics even if I wanted to use them. I'll probably max physical and energy resist. I don't encounter a lot of cold damage when I play so I'll leave it where it is. I'm not really sure about poison. I think I'll have to toy around with the points before I decide if I'll add another ability besides AI. Why does the intelligence limit strength?


the training point total of all pet stats (str/dex/int) cant exceed 2300 points. Strength is worth 3 training points per one point allocated, dex worth 0.1 points, and int worth 0.5 points. you run into this limit on blue and fire beetles too, since they spawn with 500 int.


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I'd consider using parry, anat, eval, med and focus scrolls - but to get off cheap I'd do ones under 120. (110s or 115s).

If you get wrestling to 100 before spending points, you'll be able to see what its parry currently is.


Stratics Veteran
I started making a calculator in open office so I could play around with the values. HP/STAM/Mana Regen costs are killing me. I don't know how I could spare points for scrolls. You would think that greater dragon's would be more capable since they prevent you from having a mount. Not really sure he'll be worth the time I'm investing in him.

Prince Erik

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I think you might be disappointed in your choices that are available. I trained up a 4 slot GD and I don't think AI is one of them. I put on mine Max damage, HPR 15, and Magery Mastery, was limited to 663 str with 150dex/stam and fixed resists. He ended up with 800 HP with no scrolls added.


Stratics Veteran
I think mine will be similar but with less health and one ability. It is really too bad that greater dragons have fallen out of favor, but I can see why. Even when you get a chance to train them they fall well short of the more popular pets. Even a perfect 5 slot has a lot of shortcomings compared to so many others.


Stratics Veteran
I finished training him late last night. He didn't have the option to get AI or increase base damage. So for abilities the only option was Magery mastery unless I wanted to spend 500 points on another magic ability, which really isn't an option. His final stats were 739/128/555 for hp/stam/mana, 650/150/555 for strength/dex/int, 15/10/15 for hp/stam/mana regens, 80/82/48/60/80 resists, I gave a 115 scroll for anatomy, Parry cap is over 115 already and magery mastery.

I'll take him out in a bit to test against other GD spawns. I've never used a magery mastery pet so we'll see how that goes.