Lady Kiara
Ok I Down Loaded the 2d client it patched up and started Then it said to much of my surprise AGE of SHADOWS...???

Shouldn't it Say "SA" or something.. not some exspansion years back....I mean With all the money we give to this game you would think that at least when you up grade to "SA" you get a "SA" screen...So at least you know your playing the latest and greatest and not some exspantion from way back...Come on UO DEV'S you take our money at least when you get to the down load page To down load the client For "SA" can you not have it say "BETA" I mean Really it is released so one would think that it would say "SA Client" Not "SA BETA CLIENT" you lazy lazy lazy Programers quick to take the buck but Not do your Job's.... Maybe you should take the Beta Off the name and make people think that the money they spend is for a game not one still in testing...( which it is not )....

Any WHOooo.... Can i keep the 9th Aniversary Edition (2D) And still get the content OF "SA"??? Thanks

Any WHOooo.... Can i keep the 9th Aniversary Edition (2D) And still get the content OF "SA"??? Thanks