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28th Auction Invitation


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

We have an Auction Event the coming friday. Event will be streamed live on twitch.tv with commentary by Late and myself. Tune in for voice commentary, if you are at the auction, it is worth while!

Auction Time and Location
Time: Friday 1st of March, 20:30 CET
Twitch.TV: http://www.twitch.tv/elahhez
Other timezones: 7:30 PM GMT, 21:30 EET, 2:30 PM EST (US)
Location: New Magincia Auction House
located 50o 31'S 149o 37'E In New Magincia on Trammel facet, Just east of S-Mart. Reachable with the Teleportation Hub.

Runes will also be dropped to the auction house an hour or two prior to event start.

Program has already been finalized for a while, and can be viewed clicking below button

Hope to see everyone there!
-Julia and Loony Elahhez