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(Player Event) 27th Knucklehead Auction: 1st February '13


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Greetings Traders!

Our Febuary Auction will take place on the very first day on February, As always in our New Magincia Auction House.

The 27th Knucklehead Auction has been planned for:
Friday the 1st of February 2013 @ 20:30 CET/MEZ
(19:30 UTC/GMT, 21:30 EET, 2:30 PM EST).

You may now submit auctions for this event, and/or view auctions that is currently on the program by clicking below button

Remember, Anyone with goods to sell on Drachenfels, can add them to the program. For more information on this, Visit our Auction FAQ.

As a new feature to the auction page, you can now use keywords to search previous auctions for items, which might help setting reasonable opening bids.

Note: Submit window will be open until 1st of February @ 00:30 CET/MEZ, or until the program is considered complete by us.

Hope to see Some interesting items on the program!
Julia & Gilmour

PS: You can view the outcome of the previous auctions on our auction page Using the dropdown top right.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some Sales keep amazing me every month! :)