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24 Hour Quest Timer ***Devs Please Consider***


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please replace the 24 hour timer on the quests with a once per day timer. There has to be a way to have the timer for these things simply reset for everybody at server up. RL is not as flexible as most of us would like and we often have to squeeze in play time whenever we can... this means that the 24 hour timer often ends up being a 48 hour timer if we cannot get on to play in exactly 24 hours from the last time. Making the timer reset at server up would still limit the number of times any given action could be done, while allowing for real life demands and makeing the game time we do have MUCH more enjoyable.


***Despite my name this is in regards to ALL shards, NOT Siege***

Yen Sid

Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

I agree w/ this. RL is quite demanding at times so it would make much more sense for it to reset on server up. It wouldn't have a negative impact on anyone and it would just make things a lot easier for those of us that are busy more often than we would like to be.


Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

I agree wholeheartedly on the quests -- keeping track of what time I did the puzzle board in the hall of death for the 4 characters that visit it is not easy, and it's annoying to go through all the traps just to find that the 24 hours isn't up. Once a day (reset at server up, or some other easy-to-figure-out time) would be much better.

As far as soulstones go...did they put the timer back in? Last I checked soulstones had no timer at all.


Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

Please replace the 24 hour timer on both the Soul Stones and the quests with a once per day timer. There has to be a way to have the timer for these things simply reset for everybody at server up. RL is not as flexible as most of us would like and we often have to squeeze in play time whenever we can... this means that the 24 hour timer often ends up being a 48 hour timer if we cannot get on to play in exactly 24 hours from the last time. Making the timer reset at server up would still limit the number of times any given action could be done, while allowing for real life demands and makeing the game time we do have MUCH more enjoyable.

?. Make sure if your talking about siege to add that in the topic. Because on production there is no timer on soulstones any more.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

I can understand the timer for quests, but why soulstones? With no timer it's so much easier for those who have irregular play times. Unless you're talking about Siege. Does Siege still have a timer on their soulstones?


UO Forum Moderator
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Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

Then half what the poster was complaining about stopped being an issue a week ago, and they haven't bothered to notice (I mean, if the Soulstone timer was such an issue as said, you'd have thought they'd have used a soulstone in the last week).

But, I can definitely agree with the sentiment on the other half, even on production shards.

Nastia Cross

Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

I agree that the quest timer should be reset at server up instead of 24 hours. But, please leave the soulstones be. Much easier now to swap around crafting skills on my account. =)


Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

Im not gonna dig through all the posts to look it up but there was a responce from a dev daying that they were gonna fix soulstones so it was back on a timer.

Nastia Cross

Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

Im not gonna dig through all the posts to look it up but there was a responce from a dev daying that they were gonna fix soulstones so it was back on a timer.
Chrissay said that, and later retracted it because the timer removal WAS INTENDED and there was a miscommunication that caused her to say it wasn't.


Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

soulstone timers are incredibly annoying and pointless... When I need to use them It is just annoying to have to wait or get more stones. Hell right now I have like 8.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

Then half what the poster was complaining about stopped being an issue a week ago, and they haven't bothered to notice (I mean, if the Soulstone timer was such an issue as said, you'd have thought they'd have used a soulstone in the last week).
Actually I had looked into it.. .it was stated by a dev that this was unintentional and that they were working on a fix for it. I was unaware that this was later retracted and that the change was intentional seeing as how I did not see it in any of the publish notes.

The quote can be found here...
This is not intended and we are working on a fix.

So yes, I was referring to the statement made here by Chrissay and untill now I was unaware that this was an intentional change and would be staying. I was VERY happy to hear this!


Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

Actually I have looked into it.. .it was stated by a dev that this was unintentional and that they were working on a fix for it. I would prefer no timer at all as it is now... but seeing as how they have stated that will not be the case, I would like the timer changed to once a day instead of 24 hours while they are currently working on it.

The quote can be found here...


So yes, I was refering to the statement made here by Chrissay and Untill now I was unaware that this was an intentional change and would be staying. I was VERY happy to hear this!
Look further down the post

Correction: I apologize there was a mis-communication and this was taken out on purpose. The timer will not be added at a later date.
She corrected what she said earlier. And thats how it was left.


Re: 24 Hour Timer ***Devs Please Consider***

Actually I have looked into it.. .it was stated by a dev that this was unintentional and that they were working on a fix for it. I would prefer no timer at all as it is now... but seeing as how they have stated that will not be the case, I would like the timer changed to once a day instead of 24 hours while they are currently working on it.

The quote can be found here...


So yes, I was refering to the statement made here by Chrissay and Untill now I was unaware that this was an intentional change and would be staying. I was VERY happy to hear this!
Alright never mind looks like you saw it.

Nastia Cross

Chrissay, how about the quest timer? Can it reset at server up instead of 24hrs?


It can't be too difficult to just skip one day and start with all chars after serverup

The rewards are worthless already, so it is not really worthwhile to change the code for something nobody is going to bother about in a months time...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I agree it would be VERY nice if the timers reset at server up.... because Life does happen and you can not always do it exactly 24 hours later... I know..... I have run into this several times and they are right ends up being at least 48 hours again before I get back to it because of this.