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24 hour ban more than 24 hours!?!

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Anyway. I got a 24 ban yesterday at roughly 5:30pm EST. It is now 6:30pm EST the following day and I still can't log into my account. Whats the friggin deal here? Why is a 24 hour ban more than 24 hours? Anyone had this happen to them as well? 24 hour ban being more than 24 hours? Thanks!


maybe they're making a statement against scripters?


The ban wasn't for scripting but thanks for your ignorant troll....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You could have gotten perma banned for doing whatever it was illegal you 3were doing

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are also 3 day bans for more serious offenses or repetative offenses.


Thing is I got an email stating I got a 24 hour ban. I also talked to the GM when it happened and he said it was a 24 hour ban. So i know it was a 24 hour ban. It was for illegal house customization since everyone wants to think the worst. Just don't get why the ban hasn't been lifted yet. Just was wondering if others had experienced this with a 24 hr ban.

Stratic Fanatic

Thing is I got an email stating I got a 24 hour ban. I also talked to the GM when it happened and he said it was a 24 hour ban. So i know it was a 24 hour ban. It was for illegal house customization since everyone wants to think the worst. Just don't get why the ban hasn't been lifted yet. Just was wondering if others had experienced this with a 24 hr ban.
What time was on the email?
Maybe its 24 hours from the time you received it.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What time was on the email?
Maybe its 24 hours from the time you received it.
Yeah, you probably don't know the exact time you were banned. So I wouldn't worry too much unless you log on tommorow and it is still banned.:D

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
wait, wait

You can illegally customize a house!?!?!
This is news to me...


wait, wait

You can illegally customize a house!?!?!
This is news to me...
when you make animal pens and keep wildlife in there, its considered illegal customization. PETA must have gotten to EA


It may also be 24 hours of game-time... so server maintenance or other shard down-time may not count.

Never been banned so I am not really sure how it works...


Well thing is I was there when the GM appeared and he asked if i was there I said yes then talked to him. He told me my house was illegally customized and that those customizations would be deleted. And that I would be banned for 24 hours. I said ok and figured I'd be good to go again at 5:30pm today. Well so far it's a no go. He did send me to Bucs lock up and then disconnected me shortly before 5:30pm. Now maybe it took him some time after that to actually process the ban. I just assumed it would be from the time I was booted from the game world which was 5:30pm EST. I'm not really worried about the account cause the email clearly says 24 hour ban. The thing is I just don't get why 24 hours is more than 24 hours. I mean come on 24 hours for a supposed illegal house customization is a bit much IMO but i accepted it. But more than 24 hours is BS IMO. Oh well guess all i can do is wait it out or call EA tomarrow if it's still not working. :(


Just an update. Kept trying to log in just now it finally worked. at 7:11EST. So just so everyone knows a 24 hour ban actually lasts almost 26 hours! Learn something new everyday! Cheers back to Britannia for me for now! Thanks for the replies!


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Take it up with EA/Mythic.
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