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[Discussion] 2014 Atlantic Rare's Festival Event Reward Masterlist

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks everyone for attending the 2014 Atlantic Rare's Festival at Toad Town. I hope everyone had fun with the many events, auctions, and fellowship that was offered. Over the weekend, many people tried grieving the fest so please remember to NOT go afk at any Rare's Festival. There were a total of 17 harbingers popped by by grievers and for that, we are sorry.

This festival wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for the following people:

@Lord Nabin

For donating 1 Billion Gold pieces to the Rare's fest. It was a selfless act of kindness that was appreciated by many. The gold was used to purchase many Rare's and oddities for the public to gain through events.


For taking the time out of her busy schedule to set up the wonderful decoration for the Rare's Fest. I know we have bugged you with many emails, and for that, we are sorry. You have done an amazing job with the decoration and we thank you for it, as well as the staff recognition lanterns.

@Nails Warstein

For taking the time to volunteer to run the Silent Auctions for the festival. It takes an unrealistic amount of work to fully coordinate the silent auction houses and deal with the grievers and to also get everything done without mistakes. Nails, you do a fantastic job every time.


For donating event rewards for the 'Capture the Flag' fel PVP event. Your donation gave Scribbles a little freedom to be creative with the event, which turned out a huge success. It was fun and was exhilarating to watch.


For taking this weekend off of your life schedule to attend the Rare's Festival. This was for all of you guys, the public, to enjoy. We hope everyone enjoyed the festivities and were able to find a good deal or two.

The Toad Town Staff, and the shard thanks you all for your help. It was greatly appreciated.

Link to the Silent Auction Main Thread:

Link to the Live Auction Main Thread:

Link to the Rare's Festival Main Thread:

In this thread, I will post the many winners for the events that were held at the 2014 Atlantic Rare's Fest at Toad Town:
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rise of the Zombie Guardian's (Hosted By Alexander)

*** Storyline ***​

A group of zombified creatures were spotted around the Britain Cemetery and has polluted the soil around the farms and has also killed off some of the livestock that roamed the area. A farmer was found dead and blood everywhere along with a note near his body.

"This Summer Solstice night, we will awake Rorrak The Zombie King, and will forever rule this land. Meet me this Thursday night to go over the final plan to raid Britain after he is awakened. The living will pay... as we have suffered enough...."

The person who found the body, Lieutenant Daryl, Is a Spy for the Royal Britannia Guard. He Reported the body, along with the Zombie-Creatures to the Guard Captain and a Hunt-Brigade was established. He also told the Guard Captain that the letter must not have been sent, the creature must have... lost it while murdering the Farmer.

On the Summer Solstice, we snuck inside the cemetery and started to unleash the wrath of the living on the creatures of the dead. Slaying these fowl beast left and right, Daryl noticed a book in the center of an alter that read:

"Boris... you failed to meet me last night. Here is your last chance to prove your loyalty. The king has waken and is going over the attack plans. There is a alter, near the mountains to the north, you know what to do..."

Daryl and his group quickly slays the rest of the vile beast and heads north to the mountains. Along the way they see dried blood smeared on the trees and on very peculiar plants. Quickly, they reached the alter that smells of rotting flesh. They notice a scroll that must have been dropped by Boris or another Undead Matriarch.

After realizing what this scroll is, Daryl used the scroll to his benefit and opened a gate to the forsaken place.. that holds the Zombie King.

Inside, we were encountered by the Undead Minions that guarded the Zombie King. One by one, each were slayed. Tired, but still determined, the group pushes forward to the throne room. Alas, we reached the point of no return. We were face to face with Boris the Undead Matriarch, Igor the Undead Matriarch, and Rorrak the Zombie King.

Rorrak: "You Idiots.. I told you to seal the entrance. Now look what you've done!! You two are not loyal, as seen by your actions. Prove to me now.... Kill them!!"

Boris and Igor had no choice but to face us. Boris went first, since he accidentally dropped the scroll. Blood, from both Knights and the Undead Matriarch, flew into the air, smeared the walls, and covered the floor. As usual, like other villains, he too was slayed. Igor, terrified, tried to escape, but a smashing lightning bolt came from above and struck him down. Rorrak killed him... for not being loyal.

Rorrak: "Traitor!! Guess I'll have to finish them myself..."

Rorrak, the mighty Zombie King got off of his throne, and instantly was transformed into a murdering beast. Swords lashing, mages casting, arrows flying, everything we had, we used. The King let out a fierce cry, and was wounded. At Last!! We had our advantage. While the Zombie King tried finding a way to retreat, we used it to our advantage. Pushing him into a corner, we struck our final blow. The once Zombie King lay at our feet, defeated.

----- Ten Years Later ----​

"Reports have concluded that the Zombie menace is rising once more. It seems that a Zombie matriarch had escaped, we were unaware of his existence. I don't know how long I have, they have tortured me to no remorse, playing with the very existence of humanity. Sneaky, you must stop them before it is to late, they are growing stronger. The matriarch, the unseen envisioned priestess, gave birth to the most vile of beasts.
Retrieve our victory from moments past, and imprison this traitor in stone! Do what you must, kill whomever gets in your way, kill Daryl the traitor!!"

[The rest was smudged out in blood, giving the hint that this unknown spy had taken his last breath]


Rift Pillar
(6 Potential Garbs From Harbingers)

Olcher (Mager Payne)

Zombie Guardian4.JPG

Zombie Guardian1.JPG

zombie guardian2.JPG

zombie guardian3.JPG
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Run For Your Life! (Hosted By Queen Arya)

Each participant was given a frog to protect. The object of the event was to make it through the maze and protect your frog at all costs. Whomever reached the finish line with their frog still alive, wins. (3 Winners)


1st Place Winner: Shaft (1OAP)
Reward: 2 Rubble (Grey) Palm Tree's


2nd Place Winner: Treasure Inc.
Reward: Orcish Engineer Toolkit


3rd Place: Snowdrop (*VK*)
Reward: Ethy Polar Bear



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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Zombie Look-Alike Contest (Hosted By Adeka)

Participants were to use creativity and uniqueness to create a costume regarding the post-apocalyptic zombie theme. Creativity is always a winner, and so no one lost in this event. You could either create a zombie costume of your own or portray a character from the Walking Dead. All participants were amazing.


Michonne (Evianne)

A Daemonic Zombie Skull & Corroded Manacles








Michonne From AMC's The Walking Dead




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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ghost Stories Around The Fire (Contest) (Hosted By Queen Arya)

A night of terror and a moment of fun. Starting off with a séance, a contact to the dead, raised the ambiance of the ghost stories. All stories were amazing and had a scary theme that had no comparison.


Winning Story Entry:

"I see that many of you are enjoying these campfire stories; I hope that you enjoy mine as well. And I know that some of you are a bit skeptical, rolling your eyes and dismissing them as children's tales. But if I may offer some advice, stories have truth in them, and you should do good to take head. It just may save your life one day...

When I was a young elf, I was much like yourselves; strong, agile, and brave. I longed for adventure; I yearned for items of power. I sought out rare and wondrous antiquities. But more than anything else, I wanted amazing adventures that I could share with those I loved.

Late one night on my travels, I encountered a gypsy camp. They welcomed me to share their fire. Much Like tonight, we passed bottles of spirits and traded stories. One piqued my interest. An Old women told of when she was a small girl and saw a floating castle. Just 2 days from that very campsite. She said that she found it in a valley when the passes were blocked by snow. She told a story of playing beside the eerie monument. That she was a princess. And one night saw a reflection in the river of stairs of moonlight. She never went up the stairs, but never forgot about the castle.

When I awoke in the morning, there was no sign of the gypsy camp. I remembered the direction that the old women had indicated, and set off through the forest. It was not long before I found the river, and followed its swift current to my destination. Just as she had described, I had found the entrance to the hidden valley behind the waterfall. There the floating castle waited. I don't know of magic that could do such things. But the spell that kept it afloat did not stop its decay, and the castle was in ruins. I saw the moonlight reflecting upon the invisible stairs that lead to the keep, and entered.

I walked down the corridor, torches lit themselves to guide me. I was compelled in by curiosity. I entered what was once a grand throne room, and saw a shadowy figure sitting upon the throne. But when it looked up at me, I could see that it was actually some sort of undead thing. He was clearly translucent, like a ghost, but with eyes that burned into me like green flames. "Welcome," it said to me with a whisper that sounded like a distant avalanche.

"I have not had a visitor in 300 years This is the Castle of Last Wishes, and I am its Lord and Keeper. You may call me Endless. This Castle has the power to give you exactly what you most desire, and it will. You may take freely what you have come for, but be forewarned that everything has a price. The cost is proportional to the wish, and as a mortal you will be unable to comprehend the full cost until the moment of your passing,"

"When I came to this castle, my wish was for immortality, and I received that blessing. Alas, for it, I gave up my body, my name and my freedom! So may luck be with you! And may your wish be modest, and worth the cost of its curse,"

And with that he vanished. I opened the chest and took what was mine. I left the castle with barely contained happiness. I hatdgotten exactly what I wanted. As the years passed, my joy slowly soured. I didn't notice at first, but I began to feel burning when I spoke of stories past and times remembered. The Longer I went on, the more it hurt. I felt that I would burst forth with light and die. Sadness came when I knew that I could never tell my story. So I shunned my community and live as a recluse. But I am Happy to bear the full cost of my curse with you today. Thank You."

Ivan - 'The Floating Castle'

Rift Pillar

Ghost Stories.JPG

ghost stories1.png

ghost stories2.jpg

Honorable Mentions:
Smeagol - Big Ol' Creepy House
Treasure Inc. - Monsters Under The Bed
Eddie - Family Trip
Merigold - Pirate Ship
Magdalene - Cursed Prince
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where's Sneaky Toad! (Hosted By Lanfear)

Everyone knows the many tricks Sneaky Toad has under his sleeve. An adventure to find the hiding toad results in a near death or two and the seeker a noble prize. All participants were to hand Sneaky Toad, upon figuring out the riddle and discovering him, an origami frog. There were 5 riddles:


Riddle 1:
"A Very Large And Unique Tree. Above The Tangled Roots A Sneaky Toad Shall Hide. Standing Tall With Death Below Me, Who Will Dare To Find Me."

Location: Blighted Grove - Trammel

Winner: Geoffrey Blake

Reward: Epaulette (140 Luck, MR 2, DCI 5) & 5M



Riddle 2:
"A Sorcerer Once Said, To Find A Tranquil Place To Conjure Up Your Spells Is Hard To Find. Find Sneaky And Collector Your Reward."

Location: Sorcerer's Dungeon - Valor Ilshenar

Winner: Geoffrey Blake

Reward: Wizard's Hat Bearing The Crest of Blackthorn (HLD 30, STR 10, Dex 5, 25/10/10/10/10) & 5M



Riddle 3:
"An Ancient Ruin Filled With Death, Lava Flowing From Every Wall. A Dragons Egg Sits In The Center Of It All."

Location: The Volcanic Lair - Honor Ilshenar

Winner: Nevaeh Rayne

Reward: Wizard's Hat Bearing The Crest Of Blackthorn (STR 8, Night Sight, DCI 15 20/10/10/10/10) & 5M



Riddle 4:
"Follow The Stairs To Your Doom, The Darkness Will Devour You. Find Sneaky Fast Before Your Brain Starts Rotting!"

Location: Doom - Malas

Winner: Nevaeh Rayne

Prize: Wizard's Hat Bearing The Crest Of Blackthorn (HLD 30%, STR 10, Dex 5, 25/10/10/10/10) & 5M



Riddle 5:
"Make Your Way Through The Venomous Caves Only To Find The Angels Above. The Crypt Below Filled With Ghost, The Sneaky Toad Awaits Past The Masters Door."

Location: Reg Volom (Home of Spiritual Wings) - Spirituality Ilshenar

Winner: Geoffrey Blake

Prize: Wizard's Hat Bearing The Crest of Blackthorn (STR 8, Night Sight, DCI 15% 20/10/10/10/10) & 5M


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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Capture The Flag! (PVP Event - Hosted By Scribbles)

A Fight to remember!!!!

Some flee away at the sight of a red, let alone fighting off the forces of fifteen harbingers. The demolition of four houses containing two cursed items each resulted in death by many that resembled an actual zombie apocalypse. All participants were to battle the many forces, beast and neighbor, and retrieve the engraved cursed item pieces. Those who found the pieces had to return them to Scribbles to claim their reward.


Winner - For Turning In Cursed Item #1: Sorrow (WALL)
Reward: Britannia Royal Spy - Watcher


Winner - For Turning In Cursed Item #2: Luedeus Deludus
Reward: Broken Crystals (x2)


Winner - For Turning In Cursed Item #3: Wild Satchmo
Reward: Angel Gift Box


Winner - For Turning In Cursed Item #4: Joey (WALL)
Reward: Rubble Picnic Table (3 Piece - Facing South)


Winner - For Turning In Cursed Item #5: Dodge This
Reward: Rubble Pew (Facing East)


Winner - For Turning In Cursed Item #6: Luedeus Deludus
Reward: A Vision Of The World Of Sosaria After The Zombie Apocolypse


Winner - For Turning In Cursed Item #7:
Giving Back To The Donator - Herman (Cursed Item Was Never Retrieved and Returned)

Winner - For Turning In Cursed Item #8: Dodge This
Reward: Animated Legs of the Insane Tinker











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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Vendor Paperdoll Contest (Hosted By Hektor)

All participants designed and decorated their Rare's festival vendor to resemble the zombie apocalyptic theme. Rare's Festival attendee's were able to vote for their favorite which resulted in two people winning.


Winner: Raina Cold Eyes
Reward: 50 Million In Checks



Winner: Carmelina
Reward: 50 Million In Checks


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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Weekend Long Event: Participating in the Rare's Fest Theme (Hosted By Rare's Fest Staff)

For those that got heavily involved with the theme and displayed a fine personality for the undead were rewarded with a nice prize. We encourage all to get in the spirit of Rare's fest and its theme, it offers an atmosphere like no other to watch someone in a zombie costume go around and 'bite' people.


Winner: Undead Fred
Reward: Skull Rug

participating in theme.JPG

Winner: Raina Cold Eyes
Reward: Abyssal Hair Dye

participating in theme2.JPG

Winner: Jasmine
Reward: Rubble Wall Torch

participating in theme3.JPG
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Weekend Long Event: Surprise From Sneaky Toad (Hosted By Rare's Fest Staff)

Sneaky Toad is known for his surprise appearances to rally up the crowd and give to those that are participating in the festivities. Everyday, he will appear to grace the crowd with checks and items for the many that are there.


Winner: Everyone!!
Reward: 75 Million Dropped On The Ground (25M Per Day) & Misc. Semi Rare's Dropped On The Ground

Surprise from Sneaky1.JPG

Surprise from sneaky2.JPG
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Weekend Long Event: Lottery For The Public (Hosted By Rare's Fest Staff)

For those that attended the opening ceremony, we had everyone line up and we gave them a book. They were required to write their name in the book and hand to Alexander. Everyone who attended the Opening Ceremony were eligible to win lotteries that were drawn throughout the Rare's festival. At the beginning or end of every event, two lottery winners were drawn from a random number generator and was given a reward.


Winner: Nevaeh Rayne
Reward: A Pilot's Wheel

Lottery - Pilots Wheel.JPG

Winner: Silvania
Reward: Re-Chargeable House Teleporter Set

Lottery - House Tele.JPG

Winner: Ivan
Reward: Deed For A Mining Cart

Lottery - Mining Cart.JPG

Winner: A Naughty Child
Reward: Marble Statue Maker

Lottery - Marble Statue.JPG

Winner: Ank-Su-Namun (ONZU)
Reward: Undertaker's Staff

lottery - undertakers staff.JPG

Winner: Hidezer Holz
Reward: Skull Rug

lottery - skull rug.JPG

Winner: Nina Hagen
Reward: Orcish Engineer Toolkit

lottery - orc kit.JPG

Winner: Ynarra
Reward: Undertaker Staff

lottery - undertakers staff1.JPG

Winner: Harv
Reward: Charger of the Fallen

lottery - charge.JPG

Winner: Sméagol
Reward: Santa's Old Christmas Socks (Yamato 2010)

lottery - socks.JPG
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Random Pictures Of The 2014 Atlantic Rare's Festival at Toad Town

undead fred - participating in theme.JPG
(Undead Fred Being Silly In His Zombie Costume!!)

2014 rares fest0.JPG
(Mesanna Setting The Rare's Fest Grounds Ablaze With Her Mighty Fireworks Wand!!)

2014 Rares Fest2.JPG
(Exploit Being Squelched And Frozen...For Being Himself. Enough Said.... #GoGetEmMesanna!)

2014 rares fest3.JPG
(Mesanna Decorating The Fire Pit For The 2014 Atlantic Rare's Festival At Toad Town)

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(Undead Fred Being Silly In His Zombie Costume!!)

2014 Rares Fest4.JPG
(Packed Auction House Friday Night!! Over 60 People Attended! Thanks)

2014 rares fest5.JPG
(Jasmine Being Silly In Her Zombie Costume!!)

Opening Ceremony1.JPG
(After The Opening Ceremony - Everyone Formed A Zombie/Undead Horde... For A Future Invasion!)

Opening Ceremony2.JPG
(We All Wanted An Invasion In Luna - Remember?!?! Zombie Invasion - Biting The Living!)


Thank You All For Attending the 2014 Atlantic Rare's Festival at Toad Town! Was Amazing!
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

  • All vendors Should Be Dropped By This Weekend
  • If You Have Gold/Items Left To Collect From Either Auction - Please Get In Contact With The Respective Auctioneer
Thank you all once again for the fun weekend! :)