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[Selling] 20 dci gems


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gargoyal ring 20dci -100 luck
thinking around 15 mil

Ring 20dci -100 luck
around 20 mil

These 2 are perfect for casting gems, becuase even with the wasted mod if your putting 1/3 on it, or even 1/2 you max it out with 4 mods. with 1/3 you can add one other mod, like magery to 10 for instance.

Bracelet 20dci

looking to get around 40 mil for this one as thats what ive gotten for last ones ive sold. I dont think you can get single mod 20dci gems without -100 luck anymore as of the one loot patch a little while back.

Post offers in here or pm.