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[Discussion] 2 Story Statues Bug? (not talking anymore)?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont know if this has been discussed yet or is know but could everyone who owns a 2-story statue (the one that talks to new people/creatures) check to see if theirs is still working. I have just checked mine at my museum which have always for as long as ive known will talk with passing spawn or me summoning a creature by it but now they have gone silent. Again please let me know, maybe i need to post in forever list of bugs but want to make sure its just not me. Thanks in advance and sorry if this has already been brought up.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they only talk once per person.. if u summon a animal then you walk past 1 itll talk

Gary Rendol

Yes there does seem to be a new bug which makes it go silent because it has happened to me once as well. I know how it goes only once per person but the past few weeks something seems to have happened to them and it is not based on location, pairing, or otherwise.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes, i know it only once per person. I tried to do the summon pet/creature multiple times and they still silent. I think something screwy has happened. :sad4: