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2 Slot Void Mare Price/Build Help


Stratics Veteran
Greetings everyone,

a week ago I was lucky to get a void mare with 2 slots and now she is bonded and I am looking forward to train her. My current plan is to go for Nox-Mare template and my future aim is to eat 120 scrolls for all skills as a fantasy :) But as a new player, I need suggestions from tamer experts.

1-) Should I max or raise hit point regeneration? Currently I am planning to go for 10.

2-) Should I max Intelligence to 700 or Str to 700? As of the pet will not have AI, I am eager to go for 700 Intelligence as she will have approximately 5 mana per sec along with 30 mana regenariton and the most damages will come from magics and poisons (breath/magic)

3) Which resists should I go for? I am not much fan of 4x80+1x45 resist build. My templates are here 80-75-70-70-70 or 80-75-60-75-75. What would you suggest at this point?

4) What about stam regeneration? Currently I go for 10 Stam Regen on nearly all of my pets if there is no chivalry on the pet as in high fights pets often lose stamina.

5) Another template that can be considered is AI-Magery (w/wo Mastery)-Fire Breath. But I don't considered it as a good template as AI is much well coordinated with Chiv rather than Magery.

6) How much around is this pet worth? I know Str is a bit low but resists are almost max and I calculate a pet's efficiency with HP+STR+Resists total value, because they all eat the same points. As a result of it, all of these 3 categories should be taken into account, rather than only HP+STR.

Someone on Europa told me that this NM is worth well, as a result of it, I want to train this pet carefully.

I will be waiting for your answers,

Best Regards.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings everyone,

a week ago I was lucky to get a void mare with 2 slots and now she is bonded and I am looking forward to train her. My current plan is to go for Nox-Mare template and my future aim is to eat 120 scrolls for all skills as a fantasy :) But as a new player, I need suggestions from tamer experts.

1-) Should I max or raise hit point regeneration? Currently I am planning to go for 10.

2-) Should I max Intelligence to 700 or Str to 700? As of the pet will not have AI, I am eager to go for 700 Intelligence as she will have approximately 5 mana per sec along with 30 mana regenariton and the most damages will come from magics and poisons (breath/magic)

3) Which resists should I go for? I am not much fan of 4x80+1x45 resist build. My templates are here 80-75-70-70-70 or 80-75-60-75-75. What would you suggest at this point?

4) What about stam regeneration? Currently I go for 10 Stam Regen on nearly all of my pets if there is no chivalry on the pet as in high fights pets often lose stamina.

5) Another template that can be considered is AI-Magery (w/wo Mastery)-Fire Breath. But I don't considered it as a good template as AI is much well coordinated with Chiv rather than Magery.

6) How much around is this pet worth? I know Str is a bit low but resists are almost max and I calculate a pet's efficiency with HP+STR+Resists total value, because they all eat the same points. As a result of it, all of these 3 categories should be taken into account, rather than only HP+STR.

Someone on Europa told me that this NM is worth well, as a result of it, I want to train this pet carefully.

I will be waiting for your answers,

Best Regards.
Welcome to the game.
I strongly suggest you read the stickies. As far as your specific questions:
1) Max it. With the exception of very few highly specialized cases, all pets are used as tanks first and foremost.
2) Definitely max the Str to 700. Intelligence is rather underwhelming, especially above 200-300.
3) There is no definitive answer to that question unless you know what you are planning to fight with it. My favorite universal scheme is 80-75-70-70-70, but that is very much a personal preference.
4) Better people than I who have tested it (@Donavon), say 9 is the optimal number.
5) AI is arguably the most powerful pet ability that is not really tied to any magic. My suggestion would be - if it's available, get it before anything else. Having said that, IMO Chiv is a much more powerful than Magery as far as single targets go with or without AI.
6) That I would not know. I tame my own and then I hoard them :D, so pricing is not something I am familiar with.