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2 Registry tweaks for Improved Performance



Im going to post 2 Tweaks to your registry that might improve your performance greatly or might make it worse. "User experience varies."

These being around since forever but they get mention mostly for WOW performance go figure even considered a hack by non-technical amatuers which makes no sense as this is a advance microsoft option so in there theory microsoft is hacking themselves. Since less data is exchange between Uo players compared to more graphical games these might actually super improve your performance or it might do nothing.

So before I continue please Backup your registry and remember the changes. This is for Windows XP but am sure the other operating systems also have a way to do this.

For both go to run on start menu and type regedit then enter.

Tweak 1
1a) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces
1b) This list your network interfaces. They will have names like {0BE405DC-FBB0-4BB2-BFC0-669F4F5400BF}
1c) Click each one of the folders the one that you will need will be the one with the most settings on it and will have your ip address in there.
1d)On the right hand area right click a empty space then add a new DWORD value
1e)Name the DWORD value TcpAckFrequency
1f)Right click the the entry then click modify and give it a value of 1 (the default value is 2)

Explanation: This tells how many TCP packets to wait before sending ACK. When value is changed to 1 it will send a ACK every time.

Tweak 2
2a)In the registry go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters
2b)Right click on the empty right hand side add a new DWORD value
2c)Name it TCPNoDelay
2e)Right click the entry and click modify, assign a value of 1

Explanation: This allows TCP packets to not be batched. Normaly TCP briefly delay packets to fill network frames with as much data as possible. Though because of games using small data they usually won't need the delay this causes.


Now these might or might not work. You should be able to tell if it does. If it doesn'twork for you load the backup file of the registry or delete the entries as they may cause unwanted effects for other of your network applications.

These are not dangerous to your system so you can safely do this without a blue screen of death. But always be safe than sorry. Backup registry and save registry to a flash drive or external device.

Mustapha Mond

Does it work?

Has anyone out there tried this yet? I'd love to hear some different experiences with it. I don't want to try it myself though! :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Does it work?

Has anyone out there tried this yet? I'd love to hear some different experiences with it. I don't want to try it myself though! :)
Bump and bookmarked for curiosity..

I don't have a machine lying around to test this and I'm too lazy to try this on my current computer ! rolleyes:


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The first tweak is for Win Server 2003 and XP flavors only. It will NOT work on Vista or 7, period.

It also will NOT work without first applying THIS hot fix from Microsoft. Also, before you make the change (which is of very questionable value) read THIS first. It's not light reading, but it will give you an idea of what you are messing with, or if you even need to mess with it.

The second is of little to no value, is called nagling, and this time it only applies to Server 2003...

The reason they are questionable is that with very few exceptions, gaming servers don't communicate with TCI/IP protocols - they operate under UDP protocols, which neither of these tweaks address.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I tried this registry hack and now my garage won't stop opening and closing rolleyes: