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[Selling] 2 NICE macing PVP weps


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

War Axe

SC (no negative)
50 Fireball
50 Lower Defense
87 Life Leech
50 DI


Mace (double hit spell)

48 ML
46 Lightning
48 Physical Area
14 HCI
25 SSI
50 DI

all located on LA shard.

Sir Kenga

How do you make 6 props on weapon? i thought valorite runic give only 5?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no idea to be honest. I was completely at a loss when I saw that weapon. Ive seen 2 hit spells on weps on test but on a prodo shard they are few and far between. add SSI and hci near 100% intensity

Ive gotten some nice offers on it but I may think its one of the best maces in game right now.


on some weapons the ones with the recipes can have 2 hit spells just one hit spell is at 10 and other is at random

Pickaxe Pete

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, the second weapon shown is technically impossible. I initially thought of the Ruby Mace recipe, but with 100 armslore a ruby mace would be only 45DI. And, of course, this is not a diamond mace (base) type weapon anyway.

Good find.

Edit, actually both weapons are impossible, because the first one with SC no neg takes two props to achieve (SC-1 and FC1 to counteract, resulting in SCnoNeg)

So, the first is actually:

1) SC-1
2) FC1
3) 50 FireBall
4) 50 HLD
5) 87 HLL
6) 50DI (not a free prop)

Mob drops are max 5 props including DI.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well either way, I have them on my character and they are both available for sale if the price is right :D

And both were made with dull copper so they both have the lower requirement bonus as well :)

I'll post a SS tonight.


Both of these weapons he's telling are real, I play Lake Austin as my home shard and was surprised to see them myself =]


Expen quality of weapon gives additional DI anyway,even if you have 5 another propers
i don't really sure,but see some weaps with 6 prop