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[Discussion] 2 items from IDOC would like info on

UO Relic

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Item 1:

"Ricardo's Ancient Lamp" normal lantern graphic, SC blessed

Figuring from one of the Ricardo events, remember clothes and a poster was there a lamp?
If im correct whats rarity, 1only, 1/shard, ?#?/shard.

Item 2:

"Baked Fruit Pie by The Fall Harvest Queen" purple pie, guessing by name probably EM event item
figure 20-50 given out if single shard but was it a multiple shard event?

Not selling just now as I just got them, but out of curiousity if you know worth wouldnt mind knowing.

Thx all

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Item 1:

"Ricardo's Ancient Lamp" normal lantern graphic, SC blessed

Figuring from one of the Ricardo events, remember clothes and a poster was there a lamp?
If im correct whats rarity, 1only, 1/shard, ?#?/shard.

Item 2:

"Baked Fruit Pie by The Fall Harvest Queen" purple pie, guessing by name probably EM event item
figure 20-50 given out if single shard but was it a multiple shard event?

Not selling just now as I just got them, but out of curiousity if you know worth wouldnt mind knowing.

Thx all
for No.1 i have an answer were it is from:

Ricardo's Ancient Lamp

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Ricardo's Ancient Lamp
Weight: 2 Stones
Spell Channeling
Ricardo's Ancient Lamp is one of the early rewards of the quest In the Shadow of Virtue - Lost and Found Part 3.

See Also


UO Relic

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well damn was hoping lamp was something rare, as a quest item probably a lot of them out there, oh well thx for info


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The purple fruit pie was a Baja single shard EM event. I'd say around 50-75 were handed out.

Lord X

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well damn was hoping lamp was something rare, as a quest item probably a lot of them out there, oh well thx for info
Yeah, I wager most ppl that hoarde that kinda stuff like i do prob have about 40 of em.