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2 big bugs

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Normally i go to treasure in the sea. I live in Felucca and i go to felucca sea. This eveming all the maps that i've found into the serpents were on Trammel!!! It's a bug, Until 4 days ago the maps where for Felucca.
The second bug is that going to sea always changes day and night. Even elves see darkness at night and also with all night sight jewelry. This is a bug that mostly happens crossing the server lines but anyway, as well as it's been around for years, it's annoying because even if you use the spell night sight you always remain in the dark. This happens with all types of char. Humans, elves and gargoyls. Can they be solved? Especially the one now, which I only find maps of trammel and not of felucca

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The Night Sight deal is not just a sea issue. I seldom get on a boat and I have that problem as well. Even when bank sitting on an elf at WBB. Definitely a pita especially when you are in a dungeon and that stupid crap kicks in.


I also have the night sight issue on one of my characters. All are elves, and all have the same graphical settings. They can all be in my house at the same time, and that one character will have a much darker world; night sight is not working for her.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Often this comes from your elf wearing night sight on something... check to see if you are in fact wearing something with night sight on it...

Otherwise, your elf is just weak... perhaps it's a halfling?