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[Discussion] 1999 Player Returning - Old Pets Value?


Stratics Veteran
I played pretty fanatically from beta until 2001, and just came back recently. (Atlantic.)
I've read that some "pre-patch" pets (I don't even know which patch ;)) are worth a fair amount of coin. I don't really want to part with mine, but on the other hand, I'm ridiculously broke by 2020 standards.
I have two nightmares and two dragons that I tamed in 1999. I haven't tried the new "pet training" on any of them yet.
Is there any way I can tell what they might be worth to collectors today? What stats make them valuable?

Any insight greatly appreciated!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
take screen shots of the mares. the dragons will slot jump, and are worthless now(unless they are the really old, before pet slots. then may be different)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
If you keep them, make at least 5 pets with new system before working PP pets. No fixing it if u ruin it.

Sent from my SM-J337VPP using Tapatalk


White Wryms have a lot of value from pre patch days.

post some pics of what you have. Glad to help if you need some new gear as well.


Stratics Veteran
take screen shots of the mares. the dragons will slot jump, and are worthless now(unless they are the really old, before pet slots. then may be different)
They are really old :) 1999, and I don't think we had pet slots then? What does "slot jump" mean?


Stratics Veteran
If you keep them, make at least 5 pets with new system before working PP pets. No fixing it if u ruin it.

Sent from my SM-J337VPP using Tapatalk
Thanks mate. That's why I didn't start training any of them yet, I recall reading that it's possible to permanently screw them up if I do it wrong. And I am still pretty overwhelmed by all the changes, so didn't want to chance it.


Stratics Veteran
White Wryms have a lot of value from pre patch days.

post some pics of what you have. Glad to help if you need some new gear as well.
Heheh this bums me out. I had a really good (by '99 standards) White Wyrm, but I got him killed in a Yew Moongate pvp fight literally the day I left the game 19 years ago. Oh well :)
I will post some pics of the mares. One is much more skilled than the other, but neither has been trained. Thanks!


Jumping slots means that old dragons that were 3 slots instantly become 4 slots without getting the benefit of the training points from 3 to 4 slots.

old dragons are somewhat useless until something changes.

there was this brief period where you could have trained a 3 a lot greater dragon without any skipped slots. Those rare dragons with tons of str, chivalry and armor ignore are very strong.

PM me if you need any help getting your builds and gear tuned to what is used today.


Crazed Zealot
All of the above and, if you have any of the following pets do not touch them at all before asking here for training, pricing etc. Some are extremely valuable. These are now days:
- Dread War Horse or Dread Mare same thing : They look just like a nitemare, but have Energy Damage of 40, not fire. These are now extremely highly priced, like 700M-1Plat untrained and untouched, depending on stats.
-Bane Dragons. PvP and PvM pet, trained differently. Also extremely valuable, pricing nowdays is 500M to 600M Untrained untouched.
- PP White Wyrms. Come with overcap STR 730-760 range. Untouched pricing 200M-230M really high stat ones more.
- PP Nightmares 2 slot only. Range is 80M-150M depending on stats,
- PP Bake Kitsunes not too many people want these, but usual market is 30-50 M, or maybe more with good stats.
There are also super rare other pets going for 1-2-3 Plats like transorphed WWs into Ratman, Some other super rare but do not belong in this conversation.

= PP Cu Sidhes are now all 4 slots and useless, unless they are the Paragon orange yellow color, there may be some byers that want them for bank sitting.
= Old dragons also slot jump.
This pricing is approximate and is changing and depends heavily on supply/demand.
If you skill and train ANY of the PP pets, you can be assured that they will lose marketability, and also market value.
Also be aware that there are likely new pets in the horizon that will become valuable, and exist today like Frost Beetle and Ossein Ram, but Devs said they are looking at making them rideable. That will change their value likely. But again, irrelevant item.
If you have many mares first of all make sure they are not Dread Horses, and I would keep at least 2 of them for yourself.
GL and welcome back into the game, and holler here always if you need info.
You can holler in-game, but you will likely get wrong info, get mislead, or worse may get bad enough luck to be confronted by some of the few dishonest players we have and get ripped off. It happens to the best of us, esp. when we get back into the game again.
Here you may find some old grumps like me, but most of us will give you honest opinions, and guide you back to the present.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Copy your Tamer over to Test Center and train away. If you mess it up you can always copy over to TC again and retry. Your pets on the prodo shards will not be damaged at all doing this.


Stratics Veteran
All of the above and, if you have any of the following pets do not touch them at all before asking here for training, pricing etc. Some are extremely valuable.
Thank you! This is also fantastically helpful. I know my mares aren't Dread Horses, because those didn't exist in '99, But I'm happy to hear that they might still have some value/power.

GL and welcome back into the game, and holler here always if you need info.
You can holler in-game, but you will likely get wrong info, get mislead, or worse may get bad enough luck to be confronted by some of the few dishonest players we have and get ripped off. It happens to the best of us, esp. when we get back into the game again.
Here you may find some old grumps like me, but most of us will give you honest opinions, and guide you back to the present.
Right on :) This is why I came back to Stratics first, rather than asking in-game. The community here has always been so good, and I'm heartened to see that there are still folks willing to help!


Stratics Veteran
I hear the consensus on the old dragons, so I didn't take screenshots of those. I'll keep em' for sentimental value. Rodan and Gidra still do a decent job on the old-school mobs I use them on. I don't think I'm strong enough to tame a greater dragon yet, without some healing backup.
These are my 2 mares. I have a sentimental attachment to Hate, since he was the first mare I ever tamed, and without any help. He almost killed me repeatedly :) I found him purely by chance wandering T2A Lost Lands in '99, back when mares only spawned in 2 places. Cinder came from Terra Keep, and I'm less attached to him, but they both treated me very well back in the day. They may or may not be mediocre, but that's why I came here for your thoughts :)

(If this belongs better in another forum, please let me know!)
I also appreciate the offers for help, and may very well take you all up on that.



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Quite a few good strong pets these days. Check the tamer forum for some common build and tamed.

if you ask on gen chat, someone will help you tame for sure. Not too many things you can’t do alone, but having a second person control the spawn around the area helps a ton.

Cu sidhes are easy to find/tame and are the most common everyday use pet now.


Crazed Zealot
I hear the consensus on the old dragons, so I didn't take screenshots of those. I'll keep em' for sentimental value. Rodan and Gidra still do a decent job on the old-school mobs I use them on. I don't think I'm strong enough to tame a greater dragon yet, without some healing backup.
These are my 2 mares. I have a sentimental attachment to Hate, since he was the first mare I ever tamed, and without any help. He almost killed me repeatedly :) I found him purely by chance wandering T2A Lost Lands in '99, back when mares only spawned in 2 places. Cinder came from Terra Keep, and I'm less attached to him, but they both treated me very well back in the day. They may or may not be mediocre, but that's why I came here for your thoughts :)

(If this belongs better in another forum, please let me know!)
I also appreciate the offers for help, and may very well take you all up on that.

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We use the Tamer Forum for discussions and all sorts of questions and info. We try to reserve this one for when we are ready to sell pets or items, and ask here for pricing, bids, auctions etc. I would keep these mares for later and train them if they are the only ones you have. Really : 80 M now days will not last long with the gear prices etc. That is if you want to play tamer. I would not sell these. There are many ways to get gold for basic needs, and also lots of gold. But there are many threads on these. The gold you get from selling these will likely go fast. These mares you will not see again if you sell. I would get plain mares or tame 1-2 or Cu Sidhes and work on these for now, skill them and train them. Also if you are good at taming people make gold by selling high stat Cus and also Red and White (pure white, not the white that the commonly spawn), and especially Black Cus sell very well, Ive seen them sell 50-100 M untouched, both here and in game. I think Ive made probably 80-120 M taming and selling desirable color good stat Cus. Died a lot at first, but you learn the tricks of the trade pretty quick..