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[Selling] 18x18 - Vendor House - Money Maker - UOHouses


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
UOHouses bring to you the list of our Current Houses Available...

We have available for sell this Amazing 18x18 Located right at the Busiest Malas Roadm making this House a perfect vendor Spot, The money maker, Just rent and collect the money!!!!!

For price please contact us at:

Detox - Atlantic Broker
ICQ # 647752375

Please take a look at the picture!!!!

Or Just Stop by our new Luna office 24/7 - 7 days in a Week :)

There is a Green Runebook at the Table with all the houses for sell and also All the teleporters to the House destinations in the back to easy Access in case you cant recall!!!!


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