I have a few items on Drachenfelse (possibly 10-15k points). But how will you trade your points on Europe to me?
Also I could trade my pigment on Drachenfelse to your pigment on Europe.
p.s. I also have Horserlord and Stormgrip but don't know their values for points and I'm not sure it have a sence to trash them for points.
The plan i have is, i get Cleanup Reward on DF from you and you tell me what you want from the Cleanup Rewards and i buy it for you on Europe, or you give me Items to trash for points on DF and you get your Free Choice reward with same value or a little bit more on EU.
Add me on ICQ 119108019 and we can talk what items on DF you have and how many points they are worth ...and what you want...