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120 imbuing



I hit it a few days ago. Boy am I glad that's finally over with.


Outside of Taming, I think Imbuing has got to be the worst skill to train up I've done, and I've trained most of them to their highest level.


Come on you finished the same month the expansion came out. That should be cake :p
Yes, and I happen to be one of the few that can play 8-10 hours a day, and did exactly that to get this skill done. The skill wasn't hard to raise, just extremely tedious, not to mention painful on the fingers and wrist lol. I'd say I put in a good 50+ hours worth of training minimum. All I can say is I'm glad we have soulstones because I damn sure wouldn't want to have to work the skill up again if I wanted to put it on another char for whatever reason.


Congratulation to all of you.

How was training above GM? Did you eat a PS 110 or 115 before 120? Any differences? Did you stick to the schedule? Did you experience any 'dead points' at certain heights? Any special advices you could give?


I hit 120 yesterday. I think I got my 120 scroll and used it at about the same time I could get relics, 95.1.

I spent 3M on gems from the jewelers, went through about 60k oak for bokutos, and used 5 macros in UOAssist. I think I need to recharge my mouse batteries now too. :gee:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hit 120 Friday evening, was thankful for it too. I unraveled a bunch of stuff for magical residue right before the patch that made it a little more difficult to get it.

I worked up to 100 on a newbie then soul stoned it over to a permenant char at which point I ate a 120 scroll. I left the permenant char as an elf all the way until I hit 120 then I used a race change token.

I conserved residue as much as possible at the expense of gems, I probably bought 5+ mil in them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i hit 120 last week and boy it was a very long hall :fight:some days i just never thought i was gonna make it but i stuck to it and got er done:thumbsup:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm barely past 90, still, lol. Going to be a LONG while before I hit 120.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
seems like an expensive skill to train.. i noticed that a barebones imbuing not only takes magical residue.. but 2 citrines.. thats for 1 attempt... you 120's out there must have spent 10's of millions on all the gems and crap just to train with!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's ridiculous. I'm only at 93 and used a ton of gems and residue.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

they talk about breathing life into the "new player experience".. i pity the new player who tries to start off with imbuing.. :(

Ultima Weapon

Imbuing is definitely not a new player skill it requires MASSIVE amounts of gems and other ingredients. It would definitely take a well developed character(s) to gather them for the imbuer. Your only real choice as a new player trying to develop imbuing would be to join a well developed pvm guild to get the necessary supplies,

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
seems like an expensive skill to train.. i noticed that a barebones imbuing not only takes magical residue.. but 2 citrines.. thats for 1 attempt... you 120's out there must have spent 10's of millions on all the gems and crap just to train with!
Yes it is. I wonder how many people said the same thing about Tink/Carp/Fletcher. Made things all day and got nothing in return. Atleast we get back some residue in imbuing.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You don't get residue back if you imbue something 10 times and then unravel <_<


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Imbuing is definitely not a new player skill it requires MASSIVE amounts of gems and other ingredients. It would definitely take a well developed character(s) to gather them for the imbuer.
Not true!

To simulate a new player experience, I started a gargoyle from scratch and didn't cross the abyss until I'd GMed imbuing ( so no resources or help from my other characters, and since the character was a mystic, no spells above 4th circle and no crafting skills either ... I imbued monster loot and the gold earned along the way more than paid for the gems ).

It took about 10 days ( admittedly, they were long days and I did have some inkling of what I was doing - but I was making enough of a surplus of gold that if it hadn't been for the fact that I was determined to RP this crossing-the-abyss adventure, I could have placed the second 18x18 Ter Mur house on my shard ).

Picus of Napa

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Stratics Legend
105.4 and I can't do it for more then 40 mins at a time now. Seems that I get about 1.5 for every 45 items I work over 10 times. We shall see if it stays at that rate....

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i hit 120 last week and boy it was a very long hall :fight:some days i just never thought i was gonna make it but i stuck to it and got er done:thumbsup:
i had to take a break but i got back into it yesterday as of 10 mins ago i hit 120.....never again Ailish wants her char 120.0 that girl is on her own lol

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
105.4 and I can't do it for more then 40 mins at a time now. Seems that I get about 1.5 for every 45 items I work over 10 times. We shall see if it stays at that rate....
Major dead spot 110-110
111-118 flew bye
118-120 i swear it was a hr between 0.1 gains

Ultima Weapon

Not true!

To simulate a new player experience, I started a gargoyle from scratch and didn't cross the abyss until I'd GMed imbuing ( so no resources or help from my other characters, and since the character was a mystic, no spells above 4th circle and no crafting skills either ... I imbued monster loot and the gold earned along the way more than paid for the gems ).

It took about 10 days ( admittedly, they were long days and I did have some inkling of what I was doing - but I was making enough of a surplus of gold that if it hadn't been for the fact that I was determined to RP this crossing-the-abyss adventure, I could have placed the second 18x18 Ter Mur house on my shard ).
Where did you get your gems and residue from?

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got it done 1 week after SA came out (Tuesday). Just keep truckin. Take breaks, or you will hate it later. And when you are in the mood, dont stop for anything. Best advice I can add. :)


Congrats to all the Legendary imbuers out there. If you go 2 days without sleep, you'll hit 120 in no time like me! :thumbup:


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im at 83.6, i would be a lot higher but im too lazy to fill my bods that give me dc hammers that i need to get magical residue :/


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where did you get your gems and residue from?
I unravelled monster loot and similarly bought the gems from the jeweler with gold from monsters (and quests). For the most part, I just did the hunter quests over and over, going back and slowly improving my suit with extra mods (mana regen, spell damage increase, luck) about every 5-10 points of imbuing (25% success was my threshold when re-engineering the suit - any less than that and I figured it wasn't really worth the many failed attempts to get that extra little bonus).


You don't get residue back if you imbue something 10 times and then unravel <_<
After they made the change, this was no longer the case if you were sticking to the low cost method of training. Prior to the change you'd get essence back, but afterward nothing but residue.