There were supposed to be some gifts GIVEN out in game, not just for sale in the store. I'm not surprised the gifts are delayed in game. I AM surprised they aren't for sale yet considering EA/Mythic LOVES to take our money.
I may be mistaken, but I think we received our gifts. There was a distinction made between the 11th anniversary items (which they announced a planned release via UO game codes) and the
holiday gifts. I do not remember ever seeing any post by anyone official suggesting any of the 11th anniversary items were going to be 'gifts'.
In addition, I do not see where we have been lied to; I don't recall any promises regarding a release date, only guesses. Ironically, reactions such as this are what lead to people refusing to make guesses on release dates; if you're going to be hanged anyway for being 'wrong', you might as well say nothing.
As far as the money thing - well, I should hope they love to take our money; they are, after all, a business rather than a charity. You might, however, want to take into consideration the fact that UO either generates revenue for EA, or it dies. It can generate revenue by increasing the subscription base (unlikely), by increasing monthly fees (which tends to have an inverse effect on subscriber numbers), or by selling additional content to the existing subscribers. Given the fact that we DO see free content additions from time to time (Invasions - Conjurer's trinket/spellbook - slimes/dyes - threads/rubble - new thieving content - scrolls of transcendence -
ad nauseum) it would be difficult to mount a serious argument that we are being 'overcharged' or 'nickeled and dimed' for anything new.