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11th anniversary GIFTS...


Seasoned Veteran
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As we've been told that the 11th ann COLLECTION were not the 11th ann GIFTS, how about putting your ideas here?...

I personally would like :
*different sorts & colours for regular (blank) books
*gravestones engraving tools
*really good & useful artifacts (parts of suits, and not faction, nor cursed)
*real pieces of dirt, for gardens

What are your wishes?

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Y'know, a "newspaper" sort of item could actually be really cool...

An item that could be linked to a "printing press" item. Once linked, double clicking the paper would display whatever message was set on the press. Changing the press'es message would automatically result in the updating of all papers linked to that press.

This would enable guild masters to keep their guild mates easily updated on current events. Likewise, players who like to run their own events on a regular-ish basis could drop papers around Luna instead of books, and those people who were really interested could take the papers home then use them to keep track of future events too.

It'd be sorta like a normal book, only instead of having one set of text per item, there'd be one text for lots of items.

Useless as an anniversary gift of course, but there are plenty of crafting skills suitable for letting players create the items themselves. Tinkers/carpenters could create the press and scribes could create the "magically linked" newspapers.


I'd suggest waiting for the 13th anniversary to get the 11th anniversary gifts.


Lore Keeper
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I would like to have a portable vendor table or chest that you can drop at your feet anywhere to display items you have for sale. The chest would be secure until you leave the immediate area, then it would poof to your bankbox as soon as you leave it unattended. This will allow people to trade, sell, or show off their stuff wherever they are. Would be cool at the bank, or wherever.


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jewelery box :) for sorting jewels is what I would like


Babbling Loonie
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I would like to have a portable vendor table or chest that you can drop at your feet anywhere to display items you have for sale. The chest would be secure until you leave the immediate area, then it would poof to your bankbox as soon as you leave it unattended. This will allow people to trade, sell, or show off their stuff wherever they are. Would be cool at the bank, or wherever.
ummm *cough* *cough* sounds like another MMO to me... maybe Evercrack or WoW?


I would like to see display cases added as deed items. Many players would like to display their rare or prized items in their homes and museums. Vendor shop owners could create some really cool shops with these too.

These jewelry cases could be used as containers and would have the empty graphic when empty and the full graphic when full, much like the special bookcases just added.

I would like to see some other deco items like Sarcophagi.

The tall benches around town would be cool too. I am sure there are other things, that is just off the top of my head.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I still want a jewelry box...... Where I put in all the 100's of pieces of jewelry I have.... and they then reduce the item count like a BOD book and I can sort and search them like a BOD book... Great for Vendors and for players... I hate looking through the 800+ rings and bracelets I have....

You could have categories like Skills, Mage Bonus's, Luck, Resist...

And then they could sort by intensity.... high to low or low to high.... and you can choose more than one category.... So if your looking for a Bushido Ring with 1/2 casting or better and need to have physical resist you could find it quickly... If nothing displays you'd know you don't have anything with that combination.... either move on or refine your search to Bushido and physical resist or whatever...

Course this goes with how badly UO needs a search engine for vendors. But we won't go there... (though I still think you miss one heck of a lot of deals if you don't just browse)...


Stratics Legend
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jewelry box, yes :)

and a month or so of random rares... ya know how when you're walking around and a thing highlights, and even tho you know you will not be allowed to pick it up, ya try anyway......?? well, I do :blushing: for a month or so I'd like to able to... just totally random, let us pick them up

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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jewelry box, yes :)

and a month or so of random rares... ya know how when you're walking around and a thing highlights, and even tho you know you will not be allowed to pick it up, ya try anyway......?? well, I do :blushing: for a month or so I'd like to able to... just totally random, let us pick them up

Yeah I like this idea, cuz I have 131 lockdowns still available at one of my houses :blushing:
Need something to fill it on up!:thumbsup:


I would like to see display cases added as deed items. Many players would like to display their rare or prized items in their homes and museums. Vendor shop owners could create some really cool shops with these too.

Cool Idea^^^. Maybe make them as interactive as vendors so we dont need too see 20 npcs in a little house owned by one guy.

A wishing well.
Kegs for ale.
Soulstone facing east.
Stairway facing SE.
Rocking chair.
Grinding wheel.
Mannequin type dress form for displays.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I would like to have a portable vendor table or chest that you can drop at your feet anywhere to display items you have for sale. The chest would be secure until you leave the immediate area, then it would poof to your bankbox as soon as you leave it unattended. This will allow people to trade, sell, or show off their stuff wherever they are. Would be cool at the bank, or wherever.
I like that idea, a lot..better yet, tie it to a skill. Make it so you have to have Item ID, Arms Lore and Taste ID. The number of items you can sell is based on your proficiency in each skill. It would actually give meaning to a Grandmaster Merchant/Traveling Salesman. But it should NOT operate inside a dungeon, for obvious reasons, only in Guard Zones maybe?

Flora Green

Seed Storage!! I don't actually want it as a reward, gift or store item, I just want it added. It's LONG overdue and I'm going to post about it. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
jewelry box, yes :)

and a month or so of random rares... ya know how when you're walking around and a thing highlights, and even tho you know you will not be allowed to pick it up, ya try anyway......?? well, I do :blushing: for a month or so I'd like to able to... just totally random, let us pick them up
I can see it now, a surplus of scripters hidden at the special items trying to pick it up over and over for months. I think theres still people hidden at the houses on fire in luna waiting for it to fall.

I like the idea with the newspaper and being able to communicate with your guild.

Jirel of Joiry

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I want a Big ole can of WHUP ASS.................................

*scroll down*

Opened up on the cheaters, scripters, and speedhackers THAT would make me happy!:danceb::danceb::danceb::danceb::danceb:


Linked newspapers/printing presses I love the idea of. They could work similar to how heralds are supposed to, and you could link as many as you like (so put down a "SALE" newspaper for your vendors.)

As for "gifts";

I would like a method for scribes to make paper/scrolls.

I'd like them to add "painting" -- allow us to use an easel and paints to take a snapshot of an area into one of a group of painting graphics. People double-click the painting (like the drawings you do for the toymaker) and people can see the scene you "painted". It would be so frigging wonderful to have in-game paintings of events and historic places -- that are ACTUALLY from the places.

So how about that Draconi, I DARE you to make it happen so we can document your explosive behaviour.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Thought of another thing I'd like to see....

Personal Character portraits.....

They could either be from your paperdoll or something you input like our avatar.


jewelry box, yes :)

and a month or so of random rares... ya know how when you're walking around and a thing highlights, and even tho you know you will not be allowed to pick it up, ya try anyway......?? well, I do :blushing: for a month or so I'd like to able to... just totally random, let us pick them up
I'd go with Jewelry boxes too!

Your last statement reminds of me of when I first starting playing YEARS ago. If you gave certain things to certain NPCs, like a backpack (because it is leather) to a cobbler or cloth to a tailor they would give you tips about where you could find things just lying on the ground.

I remember walking around outside of Skara Brae and finding items such as weapons laying on the ground and you could just pick them up. It was like finding treasure!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Eh you will get more junk like Christmas time and it will be out in June 2011.

:dunce: :next:


Y'know, a "newspaper" sort of item could actually be really cool...

An item that could be linked to a "printing press" item. Once linked, double clicking the paper would display whatever message was set on the press. Changing the press'es message would automatically result in the updating of all papers linked to that press.

This would enable guild masters to keep their guild mates easily updated on current events. Likewise, players who like to run their own events on a regular-ish basis could drop papers around Luna instead of books, and those people who were really interested could take the papers home then use them to keep track of future events too.

It'd be sorta like a normal book, only instead of having one set of text per item, there'd be one text for lots of items.

Useless as an anniversary gift of course, but there are plenty of crafting skills suitable for letting players create the items themselves. Tinkers/carpenters could create the press and scribes could create the "magically linked" newspapers.
Great idea! Very clever! I would like a newspaper and a jewlery box please.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
jewelery box :) for sorting jewels is what I would like

Every time I redo a template I can spend an hour going through my jewelery to find the best fit. Something similar to the BOD books, possibly as a first year vet reward like the commodity deed box or as a craftable.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just wish it would finally happen. :(

Aboo, I remember the npcs saying that too! I was very new and thrilled to go look!

I am waiting not so patiently anymore to transfer my herd of moldy cows. Thought I could bring a few gifts too. Guess not, lol...

They waited so long on the ones we buy from the game store that I do not want them now... funny what time does.


UO Forum Moderator
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I could see a jewelry box, using similar code to the aquariums (in that you have to click through items one at a time to see their attributes), that would display the item, and also display its properties without having to mouse over it.

It could use the jewelry display case graphic, and be set to allow others to view the contents, like aquariums, though only owners could remove items.

It would be a lot easier to code than one that allows sorting of items by theri bonuses (though that kind of box could be a longer term goal for the devs - I'd rather have the simple functionality I suggest quickly, than have wait for a year or two for bigger functionality, if I could get the simple version right away).

Similarly, one could do the same sort of interface for a treasure map container interface, as it could display the map type and facet, and show the "opened map" for the graphic. Heck, it would even be easy to have it set up to sort maps, much more than jewelry (by facet, or by coordinates / map number - I'm sure there has to be a numbering system in UO for the maps, even if it's completely different than THB or Goodman's)


I still want a jewelry box...... Where I put in all the 100's of pieces of jewelry I have.... and they then reduce the item count like a BOD book and I can sort and search them like a BOD book... Great for Vendors and for players... I hate looking through the 800+ rings and bracelets I have....
+1 for a jewelry box that reduces weight/item count like BoD books & is searchable/filterable. Probably 1/3rd the secure storage of my house, as well as a sizeable chunk of bank storage on all my characters, is used for jewelry. And it's a pain to find what I'm looking for.


Love the Display Cases idea.
Love the Gravestone Engraver idea.

Since we seem to have a "replica" trend going: How about "replicas" of items found in the old Ultima Series. Examples: The Hoe of Destruction, Vortex Cube, Gargoyle Lens, Human Lens, Ethereal Ring, Blackrock Sword, Skull of Mondain, Death Scythe, Magebane, Rudyom's Wand, Firedoom staff, etc. The list goes on and on.

Shadow Lord statues that make noises.

Animated tabletop orrery of Britannia and the two Moons.


Let us make craftable "Enchanted Mirrors." Give the surface a nice fire or other elemental type of animation. Then let us add responses to key words similar to the bartenders and have a demon face or ghostly figure appear when players speak to it. They would be great for events or guilds.