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[Fishing] 110 PS


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Meanwhile I got 8 105 and made a 110.
Took a few days to skill up and today I started some quests now including dungeon fish.

Quest nr. 369 ..
All I remember is it was 6 lines, 115 fish, 4 lines dungeon ones.

I am pleased ... :D

Lord Frodo

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Stratics Legend
Congrats. So you can get a 110 if you are above 106. LOL

pacific cruiser

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:coco:omg i just read that post!?!?!?!? you get a 110 at 106? omg is something wrong there?or is it we now have to fish up 8 105 to get the 110 from a binder?wowza gonna have to rethink this:grrr:


Stratics Veteran
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:coco:omg i just read that post!?!?!?!? you get a 110 at 106? omg is something wrong there?or is it we now have to fish up 8 105 to get the 110 from a binder?wowza gonna have to rethink this:grrr:
Well actually I skilled upto 110, but you need 106 to get the dungeon fish in the deliveries.

And yes, it still feels like you need 110 to get a 110 ...

pacific cruiser

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omg bro you skilled up to the 110 before you got one!!! dang it man! i just now got a extra 105ps. i was fishing dilegently untill i felt the need to have a orc ship and went to pirating till i gotten one and am now full tilt on fishing again most of my baits are over 400 and im like going nutz crabbing lol i place 80 a shot and the returns are numbing. i am on vacation thank god cause to have the time to get those pesky crabbies and lobbies are extreme.. i take 3 days and night crabbing to get one day of doing orders and turning em in..and it seems now all i get are the crabs and lobbie orders with fish...


Always Present
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:coco:omg i just read that post!?!?!?!? you get a 110 at 106? omg is something wrong there?or is it we now have to fish up 8 105 to get the 110 from a binder?wowza gonna have to rethink this:grrr:

I agree, if the reward was coded so that a 110 powerscroll becomes available only past 106 then something is wrong here and does not add up.......


UOEC Modder
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probably IS available with less than 106, we only need to know the point value which match the order found by umfufu :)
The rest is RNG :D


Slightly Crazed
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probably IS available with less than 106, we only need to know the point value which match the order found by umfufu :)
The rest is RNG :D
I still hope, that the point-value doesnt matter that much:
- we have the saying from Meseanna, that you can get better scrolls only from 6-liners.
- a 5-liner can go up to a rating of 150 (5 lines of 20 dungeonfishes rated at 1.5)
- a 6-liner at 105 skill can go max to 120

As for Umfufus order:
115 fish -> 5*20 + 15
4 lines with dungeon fish --> minimum 15 + 3*20 --->112.5 rating
add 2 lines at 20 fishes each with a minimum rating of 0.5
---> minimum rating of 132.5 for Umfufus order ---> not possible at 105 ---> no help for us. *g*


Stratics Veteran
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I still hope, that the point-value doesnt matter that much:
- we have the saying from Meseanna, that you can get better scrolls only from 6-liners.
- a 5-liner can go up to a rating of 150 (5 lines of 20 dungeonfishes rated at 1.5)
- a 6-liner at 105 skill can go max to 120

As for Umfufus order:
115 fish -> 5*20 + 15
4 lines with dungeon fish --> minimum 15 + 3*20 --->112.5 rating
add 2 lines at 20 fishes each with a minimum rating of 0.5
---> minimum rating of 132.5 for Umfufus order ---> not possible at 105 ---> no help for us. *g*
That I got one "also" with this order ... doesn't mean no 105 orders will give.
Just no one found it yet.
Maybe I just had better odds with the new 106 quests.

When I fish enough crabs for my next order I continnue with the quests.
Will see what else happens.

pacific cruiser

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hay umfufu are you doing one quest at a time or gathering them from all as you go by? just wondering...


Always Present
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I still hope, that the point-value doesnt matter that much:
- we have the saying from Meseanna, that you can get better scrolls only from 6-liners.

May I ask a link to where Mesanna said that ?

I am asking, because at GM 100.0 I did a 60 points value 6-liner :

- 15 Dungeness Crabs value 0.5 * 15 = 7.5 points
- 15 Blue Crabs value 0.5 * 15 = 7.5 points
- 10 Rock Crabs value 0.5 * 10 = 5 points
- 15 Tarpon value 1.0 * 15 = 15 points
- 15 Yellofin Tuna value 1.0 * 15 = 15 points
- 20 Green Catfish value 0.5 * 20 = 10 points

Total value of Order = 60 points.
Total weight 700/1200 stones.

But, rather than having a "better scroll" (a woundrous 105) to my current skill I got instead, as reward, a "Blue Lobster Bait", 60 charges.

Shouldn't I have gotten instead a 105 fishing scroll ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hay umfufu are you doing one quest at a time or gathering them from all as you go by? just wondering...
Depends on my mood and stock of fish ... like now I am not doing many because for 3 days now I am getting requests for 20-30 snow crab a day.
This takes me 4-6 hours a day just to get those 2-3 orders done.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Total value of Order = 60 points.
Total weight 700/1200 stones.

But, rather than having a "better scroll" (a woundrous 105) to my current skill I got instead, as reward, a "Blue Lobster Bait", 60 charges.

Shouldn't I have gotten instead a 105 fishing scroll ?
popps I believe there is not the one reward for a certain "pointvalue"
I think there are several per range or what you call it.

Sofar I have seen in each range is a book, and baits ...
Then we have the lava poles and traps.

So even if you have a order that COULD award the 105 PS it not garanteed you get one, you "draw" something out of the reward pool.
So also just plain old luck is a factor imho

I say this from my personal experiance, by no means I dare to say this is fact, just my conclusion of my quest adventures sofar.


UOEC Modder
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I can confirm, I got a 105 scroll from a 25 pt order :D
The entire system is exactly like the bod system, we just need to know how many which rewards are available for each kind of order :)


Always Present
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May I ask a link to where Mesanna said that ?

I am asking, because at GM 100.0 I did a 60 points value 6-liner :

- 15 Dungeness Crabs value 0.5 * 15 = 7.5 points
- 15 Blue Crabs value 0.5 * 15 = 7.5 points
- 10 Rock Crabs value 0.5 * 10 = 5 points
- 15 Tarpon value 1.0 * 15 = 15 points
- 15 Yellofin Tuna value 1.0 * 15 = 15 points
- 20 Green Catfish value 0.5 * 20 = 10 points

Total value of Order = 60 points.
Total weight 700/1200 stones.

But, rather than having a "better scroll" (a woundrous 105) to my current skill I got instead, as reward, a "Blue Lobster Bait", 60 charges.

Shouldn't I have gotten instead a 105 fishing scroll ?

Well, this is getting even more confusing.

Inexpectedly, I just turned in a 5-liner in Britain, I was just expecting the usual bait and instead I got a 105 powerscroll.

Unfortunately I did not take note of what it was since I was not expecting it to give me much but I do remember it was a 5-liner.

So, apparently, it is not just 6-liners that give powerscrolls....

pacific cruiser

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yup in total agreement with umfufu and popps in dont matter its all in the rng. ive turned in 10 more and still no power scroll but baits ranging from normal to the lavas, didnt matter if it was 1 item or 5. would be cool to have some sort of idea to get em..my only complaint is the crabbing.. and its just a time burner. when i get cross eyed doing traps i log into my main and go do some pirate catching..hehe wife and i have amassed 4 orc ships so far(with help from RAW).. its fun and gets ya ready for more mind numbing crabbing for next 4 hours lol

pacific cruiser

Seasoned Veteran
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would be cool if they had set it up like imbueing.....for the 105 bring in one blue marlin 110 dungeon big one 115 blue lobsters 120 lava fish or something like that. but its cool ,Fishing is now profitable from the new changes in mibs and stuff is selling like hotcakes. my fisher is making as much as one of my tamers is now.So until we figure out that rng sweetspot ill be crabbing and fishing...also a note wife and i seem to get catch different things doing the same thing i catch a lot of special crabs and lobsters and she gets the fishes i dont have and we swap em out, and she gets my crabbies and lobsters she cant get..