This is my icq message from Kitty, my only message from her after agreeing to meet up and trade
Kitty Young (17:13) :
one hour?
it's passed 3 hours.
Sorry...I sell my PS to another person.
so you are Ivory Norwind (talk to yourself much?)
sorry that I did not meet u like I said, but fire service in real life and I had a call till Late
that is more important of course
I figured not to message u that late, and you could not wait or message me lol
well if that is the way you conduct your business then fine. We had a verbal agreement nad you broke it literally straight away. OTHER PEOLE WILL READ THIS A DECIDE WHETHER TO DEAL WITH YOU OR NOT, so if you are NOT Ivory, your mannerisms convince me you fell out of her at some point in time, so i will add you to ignore aswell
I shall also contact the Mods here to check the legality of having an Alias to scam people who ignore you into trading with you (assuming its Ivory)