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[Price Check] 10th Year Veteran rewards


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How much do these 10th Year Veteran Rewards sell for ?

- Anhk Of Sacrifice
- Mining Cart
- Skull Rug
- Rose Rug
- Dolphin Rug

Thanks for the info.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the info.

So the skull Rug appears to be the most wanted among the 10th Year Veteran Rewards ?

I heard a lot of talking about the Dolphin Rug so I had the impression it was also very wanted.

Busty Sea Wench

Stratics Veteran
it is, but in my experience the skull rug sells the quickest. If you are wanting to sell your vet choices, best thing to do is just advertise that. let me people choose what they want for a set price. :pint: