The Ice Phoenyx
elven male mage/vampiric form necromancer set has armor of fortune, orniment of the magician, stitchers mittens*, ring of the elements, robe of the equinox, brightsight lenses* 20 dci 14 stamina increase 5 mana regen* +5 dex * 2/3* casting with totem of void 20 lmc open for archer fully mediable
(optional to use spirt of the totem if sacrifice 3 mana regen and vamp form no helm is 63 67 70 68 70 100%lrc 8 mana regen if using faction orni if using built for human set uses boom stick and storm grip and has 639 luck but cant use vamp form or protection is open for chugging and has +25 lmc 5% more than elf and 204 more luck and is 3/3 casting with hand open for chugging potions ) this set i believe will be great for pvm/pvp or judt to show off as most items in set are veryt hard to get and make usefull in 70s set of 100%lrc
(optional to use spirt of the totem if sacrifice 3 mana regen and vamp form no helm is 63 67 70 68 70 100%lrc 8 mana regen if using faction orni if using built for human set uses boom stick and storm grip and has 639 luck but cant use vamp form or protection is open for chugging and has +25 lmc 5% more than elf and 204 more luck and is 3/3 casting with hand open for chugging potions ) this set i believe will be great for pvm/pvp or judt to show off as most items in set are veryt hard to get and make usefull in 70s set of 100%lrc